DEAS letter informs about the vaccination process at Cecom

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Campinas, January 29, 2021

DEAS GR letter no. 001/2021

We inform you that vaccination against COVID-19 is being carried out at the Community Health Center (CECOM), from 8 am to 21:30 pm, during weekdays and weekends.

The call follows the criteria established in Resolution GR nº 005/2021, of 28/01/2021.

The lists with the names of professionals to be vaccinated were prepared by the Unicamp Health Units, based on the established criteria, and validated by the commission designated to monitor the application of the prioritization criteria provided for in the Resolution.

The priority groups will be called by CECOM, identifying the day, place and time for vaccination, as well as indicating the priority group to which they belong. For vaccination purposes, the professional will have to present documents that prove their information.

We emphasize that only people duly summoned will be able to go to CECOM to be vaccinated.

Best Regards,

Manoel Barros Bertolo

Health Area Executive Board




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Vaccination against Covid-19 is being carried out at Cecom, from 8 am to 21:30 pm, during weekdays and weekends


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