The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the list of candidates em second call in mode Olympic Vacancies 2021. The list is available on the Comvest website ( All those invited to this call must register non-face-to-face (online), the 8:30 am to 23:59 pm (Brasília time) on February 12th, exclusively online, on the Comvest website. Candidates called in the first option who do not complete electronic registration are excluded from the modality. A third call The number of Olympic vacancies will be announced on February 22nd and registration for those selected on this list must be completed on February 25th. The call for registration will be made within five calls per course. All registrations will be online, on the Comvest page.
Those invited to the course chosen as second option They must register online and, whether or not they choose, wait for a possible place for their first option course (relocation).
Enrollment procedures
After registration online, the Academic Board (DAC) will carry out registration (according to the date of each call) and all students will receive by email, a from 15/03/2021, a Registration Declaration and Access password to the Academic Management System (SIGA). From that moment on, students must upload the documents required for enrollment in SIGA until 23:59 pm do FOLLOWING DAY after the SEND of the email by DAC. Documents required for registration are available in the Notice (see also the Ticket Manual). It is the student's sole responsibility to verify receipt of the enrollment confirmation sent by DAC and to comply with the deadlines established for sending enrollment documentation. At an appropriate time and upon request by DAC, they must present the document for conference purposes. Subsequently, students actually enrolled will have 30 days to send other personal documents through SIGA.
Unicamp opened the sport for the third consecutive year and recorded in this edition, an increase in demand and a record number of subscribers. For the 116 places offered, in 29 course options, 467 candidates registered de public and private schools, medalists or excellent performers in high school knowledge competitions. In the two previous editions, the Olympic Vacancies registered 407 and 316 registrants respectively.
Calendar – Registration for Olympic Vacancies 2021
5/2/21 |
Online registration of those approved in the 1st call, on the Comvest page |
10/2/21 |
Publication of the list of those approved in the 2nd call |
12/2/21 |
Online registration of those approved in the 2st call, on the Comvest page |
22/2/21 |
Publication of the list of those approved in the 3nd call |
25/2/21 |
Online registration of those approved in the 3st call, on the Comvest page |
10/3/21 |
Publication of the list of those approved in the 4nd call |
15/3/21 |
Online registration of those approved in the 4th call, on the Comvest page |
15/3/21 |
Publication of the list of those approved in the 5nd call |
22/3/21 |
Online registration of those approved in the 5th call, on the Comvest page |