Carnival 2021 has arrived, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the revelry of dances and street blocks will have to wait until later. The disease continues to claim victims in the country and compromise the situation of many families, who are in a vulnerable situation. To contribute to this population, the Barão Geraldo Community Security Council (Conseg), Unicamp and Barão Geraldo street carnival blocks joined together to carry out the Carnival Without Hunger campaign. The goal is to collect food for needy families living in the Conseg coverage region, which covers the Barão Geraldo district and the Greater São Marcos area.
The idea of promoting the campaign follows a series of other actions that have been carried out by institutions due to the needs imposed by the pandemic. With the return of the increase in infections and the need to extend social isolation measures, more families once again suffered the effects of the economic crisis. "We work on the root cause of public security, what causes this insecurity, which is helping people who are most vulnerable with their needs. This directly impacts security", explains Neusa Fernandes, president of Conseg Barão Geraldo.
The campaign will have an official opening this Friday (12), at 10am, at the entrance square to the Unicamp campus. In order not to promote crowds, it will be restricted to organizers and members of Campinas City Hall. The food collection will run during the five days of Carnival, starting on the 12th and continuing until Carnival Tuesday, the 16th. Six locations will receive donations from 10am to 14pm. Check out:
- Pro-Neighborhood Association - University City
Rua Márcia Mendes, 702, Cidade Universitária
- Unicamp Ordinance 5
Av. José Próspero Jacobucci, 446, Parque das Universidades
- Pierre Montouchet House/Unicamp
Rua Edna Barros Sanches, 91, Vila Santa Isabel
- Sergio Cavalcante Academy
Rua Macedo Soares, 991, Cidade Universitária
- Santa Isabel chandeliers
Avenida Santa Isabel, 87, Barão Geraldo
- Casarão Campinas Cultural Center
Rua Maria Ribeiro Sampaio Reginato, S/N, Residencial Terras do Barão
Even with the campaign taking place, organizers warn of the need to avoid any type of crowd. Therefore, schemes have been developed so that donations can be made in a drive thru, so that people do not need to get out of their cars, or in person, in the case of those who are on foot. The planning also includes protocols for volunteers who will work during the campaign. This entire organization was in charge of Unicamp, which developed a manual with safety recommendations and also provided access to videos developed by the Unicamp School of Corporate Education (Educorp) and Rádio e TV Unicamp. Access the material here.
In addition to the safety protocols, the University will also provide alcohol gel for volunteers, 70° alcohol for sanitizing donations and other safety materials. "We defined the drive thru scheme for cars, a protocol for those who come to collaborate on foot, the organization of the physical space. We are taking all the Covid-19 prevention protocols that we already have at Unicamp to the campaign, so that there is no risk for those who come to collaborate or for those who will work there", highlights Lina Nakata, coordinator of Unicamp's Campus Experience Secretariat (SVC).
All donations will be sent to charities that serve vulnerable families. They will be responsible for distributing food according to the needs of families in the neighborhoods.
Action involving different partners
Member of Bloco do Cupinzeiro, one of the partners in carrying out the campaign, Hidalgo Romero highlights the role of carnival not only as a street party, but also as an event with the potential to promote reflections on our society and the way in which it relates to urban space. "Carnival represents something very important, which is a cultural resistance to identity. It also has a symbolism of occupying public space, the streets. This freedom and empowerment of carnival, of being democratic and welcoming to everyone, is somewhat the spirit of this campaign", he comments.
According to him, the involvement of the blocks in the solidarity cause will already guarantee good fundraising: "We realized that, if at least the members of each block donated 1 kg of food, in the blocks alone we would already have 250 kg of donations, because we are around of 250 people, so we would be off to a good start". In addition to the Cupinzeiro Block, the União Altaneira, Berra Vaca, JegueGerso, Maracatucá, Bloco Matuá and Caixeirosas blocks are participating in the campaign.
Another important lesson brought by the campaign is the union of very different institutions and groups in support of the same cause. "They are different bodies in their nature. We have Unicamp, Conseg and Blocos, but we also have churches, neighborhood associations, entities that managed to come together to be able to build a campaign in favor of a vulnerable community. It's an interesting message to be past and which serves as an example for us to build other collective actions", assesses Lina Nakata.
For Neusa Fernandes, the ultimate goal is to make a difference in people's lives. "This has taken on a very good form, it will send a positive message to society at this difficult time, saying that we are all together", says the president of Conseg Barão Geraldo.
Campaign Organization:
- Barão Geraldo Street Carnival Blocks
- Campus Vicency Secretariat - SVC Unicamp
- Solidarity Neighborhood Program - Barão Geraldo
- 3rd Company of the 8th Military Police Battalion
- Campinas Municipal Guard
- 7th Civil Police Battalion
- Civil and Religious Society Groups
- Unicamp Teachers Association - Adunicamp
- Pro Neighborhood Association - University City
- Casarão Cultural Center - Barão Geraldo Commerce
- Directorate of Culture (DCult)/Dean of Extension and Culture (Proec) Unicamp
- Executive Board of Integrated Planning (DEPI) Unicamp
- Executive Directorate of International Relations (DERI) Unicamp
- Unicamp School of Corporate Education (Educorp)
- Barão Geraldo Presbyterian Church
- Frei Galvão Church
- St. Mark Parish
- Coordination Network hug
- Grande Village Coordination
- Executive Secretariat for Communication (SEC) Unicamp
- Terras do Barão Residents Association
Read more :
Actions by the Campus Experience Secretariat (SVC) pay homage to Conseg Barão Geraldo