The mobilization for the "Embrace the future, donate now" campaign has, at the beginning of 2021, the objective of obtaining resources to make the necessary adaptations to the Unicamp campuses in Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba, for when the health conditions in the region and the data on the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic allow the resumption of the Gradual and Partial Return Plan for the University's in-person activities. Interventions are necessary in spaces such as University Restaurants, laboratories, restrooms, offices, in addition to investments in testing the entire university community to detect SARS-CoV-2 and in monitoring to avoid crowds in campus spaces. The fundraising goal is R$1 million. Individuals and companies can contribute with financial donations and donations of inputs and equipment.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Unicamp has carried out several actions in support of the services provided by the University to care for patients affected by Covid-19, control the disease and carry out research on the coronavirus and in search of new forms of prevention and cure the disease. But according to Marilda Bottesi, professor at Unicamp and coordinator of the working group responsible for organizing fundraising, there was a decrease in the volume of donations received and, therefore, the organizers chose to apply their efforts on this front and ask that contributions are maintained.
"Preparation for the campus is not something trivial. Imagine placing acrylic sheets throughout the University Restaurant to separate people? Preparing laboratory benches? Monitoring campuses to prevent people from gathering without masks? Tests to detect the coronavirus, which are very expensive? The resources for this do not exist. Therefore, it is a campaign with relatively small volume and resources. Despite being R$ 1 million, it is a small amount compared to other needs", details Marilda.
She also remembers that support for this campaign has positive effects on all of Unicamp's work fronts, especially in the most essential activities: "All the work carried out by the University is important, but the basic work is research, like that which the Unicamp's Task Force has been developing. If we do not channel efforts to encourage research, increasingly and together with the whole world, to learn how to deal with this virus, no other measure will be of use. So let's leave the University's money to help with this and donate resources to other things."
Make your contribution
For cash donations to support the safe return to in-person activities, make a deposit of any amount in the name of the State University of Campinas, at Banco do Brasil (001), Branch 4203-X, Current Account 44.464-2, CNPJ 46.068.425 /0001-33 / UEC/Infrastructure Campaign
Identify in the deposit, if possible: UEC/Infrastructure
It is also possible to donate through the platform
For donations of inputs and equipment, contact us by email at
No "Embrace the future, donate now" campaign website you know all the fundraising fronts and see how your donation has contributed to the work carried out by Unicamp.