As a public institution committed to teaching, research, extension and assistance, the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) considers that the serious moment the country is going through, in which thousands of lives are lost due to the lack of an integrated national plan to combat pandemic, cannot be considered normal and acceptable. Given this scenario, and out of respect for the thousands of bereaved families, the university reiterates its commitment to collaborate with the authorities and society in overcoming this dramatic stage in our history, in defense of life and social well-being.
In this sense, Unicamp and the Unicamp Development Foundation (FUNCAMP) are launching a campaign this week to raise additional resources to make it possible to combat the coronavirus epidemic at the Sumaré State Hospital (HES-Unicamp).
Today, HES-Unicamp provides COVID ICU units and infirmaries for the exclusive hospitalization of patients infected with the new coronavirus. According to Maurício Perroud Júnior, superintendent director of the hospital, the unit is already working on hiring professionals and expects to expand COVID-19 care this week.
Professor Marilda Bottesi, coordinator of the working group responsible for fundraising campaigns, highlights the importance not only of donations made by individuals, but also by companies and institutions in Sumaré and the entire region. "If the pandemic continues as it is, and an extension of COVID-19 care is necessary, we will need more resources", comments Marilda.
Donations can be made to:
Unicamp/HES/Sumaré State Hospital
Unicamp Development Foundation
Banco do Brasil - Branch: 4203-x - current account: 66.763-3
CNPJ: 49.607.336 / 0001-06
See other ways to contribute to HES-Unicamp on the page