Unicamp joins state and federal universities in an act in memory of Covid-19 victims

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Unicamp participates this Friday (12) in the Mourning for Life movement, which brings together state and federal universities in a joint action as a sign of mourning, respect and solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by Covid-19 in Brazil. The action consists of fixing black banners on the facades of institutions with the message "Mourning for Life and All for the Vaccine". On Wednesday (10), the document Pact for Life and Brazil, signed by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Brazilian Press Association (ABI), National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) and Arns Commission.

The initiative of the Mourning for Life movement, which also involves the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), also has the participation of the Federal universities of São Carlos (UFSCar), ABC (UFABC), Santa Catarina (UFSC), Santa Maria (UFSM), Paraná (UFPR) and Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The movement will take place this Friday (12), as it is the date that marks one year since the first death from Covid-19 in Brazil. According to the Ministry of Health, the first fatal victim of the disease in the country was a 57-year-old woman, who died after being admitted to a municipal hospital in the capital of São Paulo.

“Unicamp participates in this movement, in defense of life, in this difficult time we are going through”, says the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel. According to him, the joint action of the universities reiterates Unicamp's position in fighting to accelerate vaccination in the country, in defense of science and against pseudoscience, reinforcing the necessary measures to contain the circulation of the virus, such as the use of masks and social distancing. . At Unicamp, the banner will be installed near the Rectory, on the side wall of the Attorney General's Office building.

The universities' action represents an act of repudiation of the denialist gestures and speeches that contributed to the country registering the most acute moment of the pandemic one year after its official emergence. It was on March 11, 2020 that the World Health Organization (WHO) classified Covid-19 as a pandemic, in a global alert about the spread of the disease.

"We are in mourning because the University, with its scientific projects, its extension actions, such as those related to health care, and its teaching projects forms citizens who must care for the greatest good of human beings, which is life. Furthermore, we demonstrate our support for vaccines, both to value the lives saved by immunization and to highlight that these vaccines are produced by researchers trained at universities", says Pasqual Barretti, Rector of Unesp and current president of the Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp).

"Unfortunately, denialism and contempt for Science and knowledge are taking a very high toll. The loss of these lives is not acceptable; we cannot consider this as a normal thing. Let us, with the development of Science and through the clarification of population, turn the tide. Universities in the country and abroad have already demonstrated their competence, meeting the demands of society. From the development of equipment, to knowledge of the pandemic and the virus, to the development of the vaccine. And, speaking of vaccines Without a doubt, it is our greatest weapon to combat this virus. And I am sure that with mass vaccination we will have better times. So, I fight for life and everyone for the vaccine", says the Rector of USP, Vahan Agopyan.

"In addition to marking our mourning for the victims, this act also stands against the denialism that we have seen in the country. Science has shown the path to be followed and the tools we have in our hands today to face Covid-19, which are social distancing, the use of a mask, frequent hand hygiene and the enormous importance of avoiding crowds. But, unfortunately, we have not seen great support for these measures, due to denialism", warns the Dean of UFSCar, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira.

The Rector also highlights that the defense of vaccines is essential for there to be a centralized, equitable and effective movement for the acquisition of these vaccines and for the effective implementation of the National Immunization Plan. "It is with great pride that UFSCar is present at this event, together with its partner universities", she adds.

At this moment, Brazil can be considered the epicenter of the pandemic, with more than 2 thousand deaths per day, a record number registered last Wednesday (10/3). In total, more than 270 lives have been lost in the country since the first death was recorded in 2020.

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At this moment, Brazil can be considered the epicenter of the pandemic, with more than 2 thousand deaths per day, a record number registered last Wednesday (10/3). In total, more than 270 lives have been lost in the country since the first death was recorded in 2020.


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium