Alumni platform already has 5 thousand members

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Engaging former students and encouraging partnerships with current students are objectives of the Unicamp Alumni Platform. With new features, the Platform, in its current format, was launched in August 2020 and currently has around 5 thousand members. Through the tool, a network of contacts is created that enables mentoring, employment and engagement in University campaigns.

“That communities can meet, come together, integrate, that is the main idea”, summarizes the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel. The professor highlights that it is essential to maintain contact with former students, and calls on them to connect to the Alumni Platform, thus encouraging the strengthening of the network. “It’s a tool that can really help and contribute to contacts, to decisions, to absolutely everything that concerns university life or even simply for those who miss people and want to meet people again”, he observes.

The dean points out that there are already a large number of people connected to the network, and the Platform still has the potential for great growth. In this way, he assesses, the tool can also help students who are starting their careers, establishing new possibilities for contacts. At the moment, there are, for example, 12 job vacancies published on the network, and several mentoring possibilities.

Growing network

The Alumni Platform, managed by Graduway, as noted by Unicamp account manager, Daniele Gonik, is a constantly growing network. She highlights that there are more than 1.200 users willing to provide mentoring and offer career advice to current students. In addition, 58 job vacancies have been posted since the platform was launched in August 2020.

According to Daniele, it is difficult to maintain ties with the educational institution after training, due to moving to another city or country, and the network of contacts often ends up being lost. The Alumni Platform, therefore, comes as a way of reestablishing the connection. “Having a network of students and alumni allows people to meet each other to offer jobs, mentorship, participate in events and various other possibilities that involve networking. That’s the great wealth: really having a virtual community,” he says.

Platform has new features

Due to emerging needs, the platform undergoes constant improvements and gains new features. One of the latest innovations is the possibility of video conferencing. This way, it is not necessary to leave the platform to hold a meeting between contacts. 

Access and register on the Alumni Platform at:

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audio description: color photograph of an aerial view of Unicamp with the Alumni Platform logo on top


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