This Thursday (18-03), the Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp delivers 18 new infirmary beds equipped to receive patients with Covid-19. Monday (15), the hospital converted 10 general ICU beds to be exclusively Covid ICU. There will be 34 nursing technicians, 10 nurses and 10 physiotherapists 24 hours a day.
“With the delivery, we reached 72 infirmary beds for less severely ill patients or those discharged from the ICU, in addition to 40 COVID ICU beds. We still plan to put another 18 infirmary beds into operation next week and accredit another 10 ICU beds, as soon as we are able to hire intensive care doctors”, explains the HC superintendent, Antonio Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho.
The decision to open more beds at Unicamp's HC for the region was made by the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, announced at a press conference last Friday (12). The new beds will be offered to the population through an agreement with the State Department of Health and will be regulated by CROOSS and the Regional Department of Health (DRS-7) to serve the Campinas region.
Watch the report on EPTV-GLOBO here
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Government of SP delivers new COVID ICU beds at Sumaré State Hospital
A new ICU for patients with COVID-19 began operating this Thursday, at the Sumaré State Hospital (HES-Unicamp). The structure was assembled inside the ophthalmological surgical center to serve 10 patients. The financial resources to cover the new beds total R$1,5 million and were guaranteed by the State Department of Health for three months.
To handle this new area set up in the surgical block, 45 health professionals were hired on an emergency basis – doctors, nurses, nursing technicians and physiotherapists. Doctors will be on duty 24 hours a day. “The structure is ready and today we will occupy five beds for patients who were in other units within the hospital, in addition to increasing the supply for the SUS”, explains Mauricio Perroud, superintendent.
According to the superintendent of HES-Unicamp, all vacancies will be under the responsibility of the State Vacancy Regulation Center (CROSS) and the Regional Health Department (DRS-7). With the opening of the new beds, the hospital now has 16 ICU beds exclusively for patients with COVID-19.