CRUESP Notice No. 04/2021
São Paulo, March 25, 2021
In defense of life and science: Communication from CRUESP in support of the Technical Note from the Brazilian Medical Association on guidelines for reducing Covid-19 cases.
The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities - CRUESP publicly expresses its full support for Technical Note 02/2021 from the Extraordinary Covid-19 Monitoring Committee of the Brazilian Medical Association. The preventive measures against the new coronavirus, which include mass vaccination, use of masks, encouragement of hand hygiene and social distancing strategies, set out in items 1 to 4 of the Technical Note, are in accordance with the best current scientific evidence, and They are essential for preserving life and health in our country. We also agree with the need for urgent investment in infrastructure, training of human resources and stimulation of national production or import of medicines necessary for emergency care against Covid-19 (neuromuscular blockers, opioids and hypnotics), as set out in items 5 and 6.
In particular, we reaffirm that there is currently no evidence to support the efficacy and safety of treatment (early or late) with hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine, ivermectin, nitazoxanide, azithromycin, colchicine or early and outpatient use of steroids and anticoagulants. As stages of scientific research and training, we are in full agreement with items 7 and 8, which mention the ineffectiveness and risk involved in the misuse of treatments that have not been scientifically proven. Such items repeat official statements from regulatory institutions, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), from the United States, and the EMA (European Medicines Agency), from the European community.
Prevention of Covid-19 continues, at this time, to be the only way to minimize the social and economic impact of the pandemic. Unified actions between federal, state and municipal managers are necessary and urgent to guarantee access for critically ill patients to ventilatory support, which has been proven to increase the chances of survival. AND that the Ministry of Health fulfills its central role as an effective driver of health policies at national level, guaranteeing rapid access to vaccines, medicines and permanent traceability of the virus.
This direction, highlighted in items 9 to 13 of the Technical Note, is the only one capable of impacting the health tragedy we are experiencing.
Cruesp is following with concern the national collapse in the public and private health network and the situation of those who are most vulnerable. Therefore, this note is in solidarity with the humanitarian manifesto, for life, for reason and for the lucidity emanated in the AMB note. Thus, reaffirming the public university's commitment to society, we declare our support to the Brazilian Medical Association for its courageous and scientific attitude in pointing to rational and humane public health policies in times of pandemic.
Pasqual Barretti – rector of Unesp (president of Cruesp)
Marcelo Knobel – rector of Unicamp
Vahan Agopyan – rector of USP