In one week of fundraising, Lumina Patrimonial Fund receives R$300 thousand

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O Unicamp Heritage Fund, Lumina, has already received the first donations. In one week of fundraising, R$300 were donated to the fund, which aims to contribute to the financing of University projects and initiatives in the areas of teaching, research, extension and innovation. The first donors include the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel; professor Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, senior vice president of Elsevier; the CEO of CI&T, Cesar Gon; the CEO of Quinto Andar, André Penha; the CEO of Ifood, Fabrício Bloisi, among others. 

At the moment, the Lumina Fund, which will be made up of financial assets and movable and immovable property, is receiving cash donations, which can be sent by bank transfer or PIX (see how to donate below). The first 100 donors who forward amounts above R$3 will be considered founding donors of the fund. Donations can be made by individuals and legal entities and their proceeds will be invested in University projects.

“The Brazilian University is of a very high level and has enormous potential to generate even more value for society. But it is suffering from a lack of resources. The endowment fund is a way of supporting quality training and research to continue happening. It will not replace the role of the State in promoting research, but it can contribute”, points out Andreia Marques, who coordinates fundraising.

Creation of Lumina

Lumina was created through Deliberation Consu-A-029/2019, with the mission of attracting and providing resources on a permanent basis to finance Unicamp projects and initiatives in teaching, research, extension, innovation, entrepreneurship, culture and assistance. O launch took place in October 2020. The fund's Managing Organization is formed by an independent body, with its own CNPJ, which works to capture and manage the donations obtained and the assets created.

Lumina's Board of Directors is made up of the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel; the executive director of the Unicamp Innovation Agency (Inova), Newton Frateschi; the director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Chemical, Biological and Agricultural Research (CPQBA), Marta Cristina Teixeira Duarte; professor at the Faculty of Physical Education Paulo César Montagner; and businessmen Cesar Gon, CEO of CI&T, Fabricio Bloisi, CEO of iFood, and André Penha, CTO of QuintoAndar, three of Unicamp's daughter companies.

“Unicamp’s endowment fund is the beginning of a big dream, of building a virtuous cycle of excellence, where the wealth generated by education returns to the university and contributes to more investments in teaching, scientific and technological research. It’s entrepreneurship changing the world through education and science”, says Cesar Gon, who is also a former Unicamp student. 

Find out how to donate

Donations can be made in any amount. To donate, the Lumina Heritage Fund account details are:

Banco Santander

Agency: 1693

Current Account: 13000006-1

Unicamp FPU Heritage Fund

40.950.410 CNPJ / 0001-18

PIX key 40950410000118

Also visit the Lumina website

More information can be obtained via email:


cover image
audio description: color photograph of the unicamp campus, in night view, and on top of the photograph the Lumina fund logo, with the words "lumina, unicamp heritage fund"


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