It's already on the air Unicamp Atlas, website that brings together the entire collection of georeferenced maps created by the Georeferencing Coordination, a body linked to the Executive Directorate of Integrated Planning (Since) from Unicamp. With it, anyone can have access to interactive maps that provide important information about the University and the community served by its services, such as the geographic distribution of Covid-19 patients treated by Unicamp hospitals, the intercity transport lines that serve the Barão Geraldo campus, the organization of the Bento Quirino building, where the Technical College of Campinas (Cotuca) is located, among others.
Vanderlei Braga, coordinator of the Georeferencing Coordination, explains that the maps are prepared with the function of assisting in Unicamp's internal management and also serving as a source of information for the development of analyzes and studies. "Any aspect of the University's structure, environmental issues or even human aspects can be transformed into maps. The Atlas is then a large georeferenced collection of Unicamp that assists in management, but also intends to be something broader, so that the entire internal community and external organization can take advantage of this data and create interpretations based on it", comments Vanderlei, who also highlights the importance of the map for the University's transparency actions.
Today the Atlas already has 81 maps of different types, such as georeferenced webmaps; storymaps, which show the evolution or growth of something over time through a sequence of maps; and dashboards, which bring together various information in maps and graphs and facilitate monitoring. It is possible to consult maps already prepared by categories, such as those that show the physical organization of the campuses and their buildings, the infrastructure and communication networks, the mobility systems of the campuses and their surroundings, and human and environmental information.
The georeferencing work began in 2017, together with the creation of Depi, and involves the activity of professionals, interns and undergraduate scholarship holders and from Unicamp's technical colleges. Vanderlei mentions that collaborative work to create maps is very important, as a single project requires the coordination of databases from different sources. "The maps are the final, visual product of a long work. Behind all these maps are large geographic databases. The Covid-19 map, for example, uses both geographic information, obtained through georeferencing, and information from patients' health, such as age, gender, which are sent by the health units. For each layer of the map there is a database involved", he points out.
The Atlas collection is available for consultation on the website There, visitors find information on how to use the maps and the citation model for use in research, work and publications.