University Council approves nominations for Unicamp's General Coordination and Pro-Rectorates

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photo shows new deans in the university council room
From left to right: Ivan Toro (PRG), Maria Luiza Moretti (CGU), Tom Zé (Rector), Rachel Meneguello (PRPG), Fernando Santos Coelho (ProEC), João Marcos Romano (PRP) and Fernando Sarti (PRDU) ( photo: Antonio Scarpinetti)

Unicamp's University Council (Consu) ratified this Tuesday (27) the nominees to occupy the positions of general coordinator and pro-rectors of the University. The names approved by Consu were: Maria Luiza Moretti (General Coordination of the University), Fernando Sarti (Pro-Rector of University Development), João Marcos Travassos Romamo (Pro-Rector of Research), Ivan Felizardo Contrera Toro (Pro-Rector of Graduation ), Fernando Antonio Santos Coelho (Dean of Extension and Culture) and Rachel Meneguello (Dean of Graduate Studies). The session was held virtually, with in-person participation only by the members of the new management. 

Before the list was approved by Consu, Rector Antonio José Meirelles, Tom Zé, thanked the support provided by the members of the Council and former office holders for their work leading Unicamp since 2017 and in this management transition. "I would like to thank the entire team that shared these years of management with professor Marcelo Knobel, whom I also thank for the entire process we had throughout this management and in the transition of management", mentioned Tom Zé. 

Maria Luiza Moretti, new General Coordinator, highlighted the importance of the University's professionals working together, an attitude that has been maintained since the early days of Unicamp: "Today, the University is 55 years old and each team that succeeds here is a team new. However, it is a group that continues the work that has been done since the founding of the University by professor Zeferino Vaz and that, over the years, has made Unicamp one of the main ones in the world, in Latin America and in Brazil" . 

photo shows maria luiza moretti, general coordinator of unicamp, signing the term of office in the consu room
Maria Luiza Moretti highlighted the importance of continuing the work carried out by previous administrations at the head of Unicamp (photo: Antonio Scarpinetti)

The new office holders also expressed their gratitude and highlighted their projects for their respective areas, highlighting the value of commitment to academic excellence, closer ties with the external community and the expansion of inclusion and diversity policies. 

At the end of the session, Tom Zé also presented professors Paulo César Montagner (Chief of Cabinet) and Adriana Nunes Ferreira (Deputy Chief of Cabinet) as new Heads of Cabinet of the Rectory, in addition to the new Attorney General of the University, Fernanda Lavras Costallat Silvado. 

Check out the profile of the new management at the helm of Unicamp:

Maria Luiza Moretti is a doctor with residency in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Master in Medical Sciences and PhD in Internal Medicine from Unicamp. She has been a professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) at Unicamp since 1980. Luiza was coordinator of the Medical Internship, the Research Commission and the Office of Internationalization at FCM. At Unicamp's Hospital de Clínicas (HC), she coordinated the Hospital Infection Control Commission and the Hospital Epidemiology Section, in addition to being the Hospital's Clinical Director. 

Fernando Sarti is an economist, master and doctor in economics from Unicamp. He has been a professor at the Institute of Economics (IE) since 2002 and a researcher at the Nucleus of Industrial and Technology Economics (NEIT). At the IE, he was coordinator of the Research Commission, head of the Department of Politics and Economic History and director of the unit. In addition, he held the Financial and Executive directorates of the Unicamp Development Foundation (Funcamp), was a member of the board of directors of the National Council of Foundations to Support Higher Education Institutions (Confies) and director of the Centro de Altos Estudos Brasil Século XXI. 

photo shows pro-rectors sitting in the audience of the university council room
New pro-rectors highlighted the importance of strengthening Unicamp's ties with the community and expanding inclusion and diversity policies (photo: Antonio Scarpinetti)

João Marcos Travassos Romano is an electrical engineer and holds a Master's degree in Telecommunications from Unicamp and a PhD in Signal Processing and Automatics from the University of Paris XI, in France. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) since 1988, where he coordinates the Laboratory of Signal Processing in Communications (DSPCom). At the unit, he was also deputy head and head of the Department of Communications, associate coordinator of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering, associate director and director of FEEC. João Marcos was also advisor and director of partnerships at Unicamp's Innovation Agency (Inova) and was president of the Brazilian Society of Telecommunications (SBrT). 

Ivan Felizardo Contrera Toro is a physician, with a medical residency in general surgery, Master and Doctor in Surgery from Unicamp. Since 1987, he has been a professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), a unit where he was director between 2014 and 2018. Together with Hospital das Clínicas (HC), he was Care Coordinator, Director of Administration and Superintendent of the Hospital. Ivan was also a Brazilian representative of the Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina (Alafem) and a representative of the medical schools in the Medical Education Commission of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). 

photo shows rector tom zé presiding over the university council with a screen in the background showing online participants
Session of the University Council took place remotely, with the presence of only the new pro-rectors (photo: Antonio Scarpinetti)

Fernando Antonio dos Santos Coelho has a degree in Industrial Pharmacy and a Master's degree in Synthesis of Industrial Products from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a PhD in Physical Sciences from the University of Grenoble Alpes, Switzerland. He has been a professor at Unicamp's Institute of Chemistry since 1995, where he headed the Department of Organic Chemistry. Among the positions held in the management of the University, he was president of the Commission for Environmental Management and vice-president of the Advisory Commission on Ethnic-Racial Diversity (CADER). He also coordinated the organizing committees for editions of the Scientific Initiation Congresses at Unicamp and the Science and Arts Holiday Programs. 

Rachel Meneguello holds a degree in Social Sciences, a Master's in Political Science and a PhD in Social Sciences from Unicamp. Since 1986, she has been a professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH), where she was associate director of the Edgard Leurenroth Archive, head of the Department of Political Sciences, coordinator of the Graduate Program in Political Science and General Coordinator of Graduate Studies of the Institute. She was also a researcher at the Public Policy Studies Center (NEPP), founder and researcher at the Public Opinion Studies Center (Cesop), where she was director for four terms. Between 2014 and 2017, Rachel held the position of Dean of Graduate Studies. 

photo shows Fernando Sarti, new dean of university development
photo shows Ivan Toro, new dean of undergraduate studies
photo shows João Marcos Romano, new Dean of Research
photo shows Fernando Santos Coelho, new Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture
photo shows Rachel Meneguello, new Dean of Postgraduate Studies
photo shows Paulo César Montagner, new Chief of Staff of the Rectory
photo shows Adriana Nunes Ferreira, new Deputy Chief of Staff of the Rectory
photo shows Fernanda Costallat Silvado, new Attorney General of Unicamp
cover image
photo shows composition of unicamp's new management in the university council room


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium