Resolution GR - 40 / 2021, May 03, 2021
Amends Resolution GR No. 20/2021, which institutes additional, emergency and temporary measures with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of COVID-19 on the campuses of the State University of Campinas.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas,
Considering the essential nature of the administrative activities carried out by the University's Central Administration bodies;
Considering the need to maintain hygienic and sanitary measures in face-to-face activities;
Considering the provisions of State Decree No. 65.663, of April 30, 2021, in the exercise of its powers, Resolves:
Art. 1 – Item XIII is added to art. 2nd of Resolution GR No. 20/2021, with the following wording:
“XIII – allow face-to-face activities in the central administration of the University, with the presence of 20% of employees limited, on a rotating basis, with the adoption of hygienic and sanitary measures, with prioritization of holding meetings remotely.”
Art. 2 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary.
Published in DOE on 04/05/2021