Unicamp has just created, through Resolution GR 43/2021, the Unicamp's Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee that will guide actions against the spread of the new coronavirus within university campuses. The Committee is chaired by the University's general coordinator, Professor Maria Luiza Moretti and will have 20 other members (Ordinance GR 72/2021). Among other objectives, the Committee must monitor the Covid-19 pandemic scenario in the State of São Paulo, especially in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba, where Unicamp campuses are located. Resolution 43/2021 and Ordinance GR 72/2021 were published in the Official State Gazette on May 15th and 19th, respectively.
Dean's Office
GR Resolution no. 43/2021, of 14/05/2021 Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Provides for the creation of the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee to guide actions against the spread of the new coronavirus within university campuses.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas issues the following RESOLUTION:
Article 1 – The Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee is created, which will have the following objectives:
- - Monitor the Covid-19 pandemic scenario in the State of São Paulo, especially in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba, where the fields from the University;
- - Guide the Unicamp community regarding the functioning of its activities, based on the epidemiological scenario of Covid-19, the state decrees that provide for actions in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the São Paulo Plan, the Municipal Plan of Contingency for Coping with the Pandemic of Human Infection by the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Campinas, the Plan for Resuming In-Person Classes of the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo, and the Plan for Gradual Return to In-Person Activities of the State University of Campinas;
- - Provide technical consultancy regarding the virus and disease to the university community; IV - Plan and coordinate prevention, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiological surveillance actions for Covid-19 with the Health area.
Sole Paragraph. To meet the objective set out in section II of this article, the Committee will issue Normative Instructions, with guidelines for resuming in-person activities or changing the Gradual Return Plan for the University's In-person Activities.
Article 2 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, and any provisions to the contrary will be revoked.
Dean's Office
Ordinance GR nº 72/2021, of 18/05/2021. Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Appoints members to the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, created by Resolution GR 43/2021.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas issues the following Ordinance:
Article 1 - The Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, created by Resolution GR 43/2021, will be composed of the following members, under the presidency of the first:
- Maria Luiza Moretti (CGU)
- Patrícia Asfora Falabella Leme (CGU)
- Ivan Felizardo Contrera Toro (PRG)
- Rachel Meneguello (PRPG)
- Oswaldo da Rocha Grassiotto (DEAS)
- Manoel Barros Bertolo (FCM)
- Plínio Trabasso (HC)
- Rodrigo Nogueira Angerami (NVE/HC)
- Mariângela Ribeiro Resende (FCM)
- Luis Felipe Bachur (CCIH/HC)
- Christian Cruz Hofling (SEH/HC)
- Carolina Carvalho Ribeiro do Valle (CCIH/CAISM)
- Fernanda Loureiro de Andrade Orsi (LPC/HC)
- Rose Clélia Grion Trevisane (CECOM)
- Alessandro dos Santos Farias (IB)
- José Luiz Proença Modena (IB)
- Clarice Weis Arns (IB)
- Maria Rita Donalisio Cordeiro (FCM)
- Sergio Roberto de Lucca (FCM)
- Daniela de Almeida Martins (DGRH/DSO)
- Eliete Boaventura Bargas Zeferino (HC)
Article 2 - This Ordinance will come into force on the date of its signature, and Ordinance GR 22/2020 will be revoked.