(see Rectifications I and II below)
Resolution GR nº 49/2021, of 11/06/2021. (see Rectification below)
Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Establishes additional, emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and dissemination of COVID-19 on the campuses of the State University of Campinas, to be observed from June 14, 2021.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas,
• Considering the recommendations of the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, established by Ordinance GR-043/2021;
• Considering the current recommendations of the São Paulo Plan to combat Covid-19 and other recommendations from state and municipal health authorities;
• Considering the constant need to contain the spread of COVID-19, to guarantee the adequate functioning of health services, to preserve public health and to allow the gradual and safe resumption of in-person activities at the university level;
Download the following Resolution:
Article 1 - The following emergency measures are hereby established, of a temporary and exceptional nature, within the scope of the quarantine measure referred to in State Decrees no. 64.881, of March 22, 2020, and no. 64.994, of May 28, 2020, with the immediate objective of minimizing the transmission and spread of COVID-19 in fields of the State University of Campinas, to be adopted from June 14, 2021:
Keep the Crisis Committee of Faculties, Institutes, Agencies, Centers, Centers and Technical Colleges active;
Reiterate the hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing of at least 1,5 m between people, hand hygiene), including with regard to vaccinated people;
Establish that teaching, technical-administrative employees and other careers at UNICAMP, undergraduate higher education students and postgraduate students, must return to face-to-face activities after 14 (fourteen) days of receiving the 2nd dose of any vaccine for COVID-19, respecting the hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing of at least 1,5 m between people, hand hygiene) and following the maximum percentage recommended based on the São Paulo Plan in force, allowing for staggered returns and rotational shifts defined by the leader of the Body or Unit;
Maintain, at the discretion of the leaders of the Bodies or Units, the remote format for activities compatible with this model, such as theoretical or practical classes, symposiums, workshops, meetings, among others;
Essential activities continue to operate in person;
Pregnant women must remain away from in-person work activities, in accordance with Law No. 14.151/2021;
Restrict access to campuses during the week, identifying the people and places they go to. Companies with activities on campus must inform visitors in advance so that they can have access to them;
Establish that the campuses will have daily access limitations from 21pm to 5am, and 24 hours on Sundays and holidays, except for the health area, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) servers and the campus City Hall and, in the case of others situations involving emergency care and essential activities that require in-person care, such as vivariums, greenhouses, among others;
Limit visits to campuses, for sporting activities or outings, to individual practice, reiterating the use of masks and physical distancing of at least 1,5 meters;
Prohibit gatherings, concentrations or stays of people in the University's public spaces, especially parks;
Keep the works in progress, reiterating sanitary measures with companies. The beginning of new works on the campuses may occur upon notification from DEPI and authorization from the local Crisis Committee;
Chartered buses will remain in operation, reiterating sanitary and hygiene measures, a maximum occupancy of 50% of seats, previously demarcated, and respecting a distance of at least 1,5 m between passengers;
Restrict the circulation of internal circular buses on the Zeferino Vaz campus, with a maximum occupancy of 50% of seats, previously demarcated, and respecting a distance of 1,5 m between passengers;
The University Restaurant will be open until 19pm and will serve the health sector, people involved in testing for COVID-19, scholarship students and staff, and students in in-person activities. For undergraduate and postgraduate students, activities lasting more than 4 hours per week will be considered in-person, after authorization from the local Crisis Committee of the Institute, Faculty, Center or Center.
The Community Health Center (CECOM) will maintain its activities, giving preference to treating suspected or diagnosed cases of COVID-19;
Restrict in-person public service activities carried out by the DGA and DGRH to essential activities only;
DSO/DGRH will maintain its technical activities serving employees who are working in person at the University. Demands of an administrative nature or of employees working remotely may be forwarded through official communication channels with the area.
The in-person application of tests for Public Competitions and selection processes will be permitted, as long as sanitary measures and guidance for the use of Unicamp spaces are observed;
Institutional national and international travel is permitted 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, provided that the Manager agrees and the traveler signs a statement of awareness and responsibility for the risk (Annex III) ;
After returning from national or international trips, the traveler must resume their activities at the University, exclusively remotely for 14 (fourteen) days, maintaining social isolation, and strictly observing the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms during this period. You must also collect RT-PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2 between the 5th and 8th days after returning from the trip, when only an “undetected” result will allow you to return to in-person activities from the 15th day onwards.
§ º 1 - The return to face-to-face activities must be preceded by testing with RT-PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2, within 72 hours of the date of return, health training and signing of a statement of awareness and responsibility (Annexes I and II) to be delivered to the immediate supervisor, advisor or course coordinator, as applicable.
§ 2 - The emergency measures referred to in this article will be observed in all fields from the State University of Campinas, indefinitely.
Article 3 - In the first and second academic semesters of the 2021 academic year, remote theoretical classes will be maintained, both for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and for technical courses.
§ 1 - Practical/experimental research activities not adaptable to the remote format may be resumed gradually, upon authorization from the Crisis Committee or the director of the respective Institute or Faculty, respecting the criteria established for the epidemiological phase and the guidelines for the use of Unicamp spaces, and with the permission of rotating shifts, regardless of the student's vaccination status for COVID-19.
§ 2 - In-person classes and practical assistance activities for medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, speech therapy and nutrition courses may be resumed at any phase of the São Paulo Plan, with the presence of up to 100% of the number of enrolled students permitted, divided into small groups, with reinforcement à need for a distance of at least 1,5m between them, permanent use of masks and hand hygiene. Students with a complete vaccination schedule for SARS-CoV-2 will be able to provide assistance to patients with suspected or confirmed Covid-19, after adequate training in the correct use of PPE and ensuring its availability.
§ º 3 - In-person practical activities at technical colleges remain suspended, with the exception of in-person practical classes for technical courses in the health area, which will be resumed for students with complete vaccination schedule for SARS-CoV-2 and after vaccination of Basic Education professionals for SARS-CoV2, which should occur in accordance with the São Paulo Plan.
§ º 4 - In-person extension activities remain suspended, except those related to the health area that involve assistance services for students with complete vaccination schedule for SARS-CoV-2.
Article 4 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary.
Prof. doctor Antonio Jose de Almeida Meirelles
RECTIFY the preamble of Resolution GR 49/2021, of 11/06/2021, published in the DOE on 12/06/2021, Page 142.
Where it reads:
"Considering the recommendations of the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, established by Ordinance GR-043/2021[...]"
"Considering the recommendations of the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, established by Resolution GR-043/2021[...]"
Includes Annexes I, II and III in Resolution GR 49/2021, with the following wording:
Term of Science and Responsibility for students and employees
I, _______________________________________________, RA/enrollment _________________, declare that I am aware of and in accordance with what has been defined for my return to face-to-face activities at Unicamp, to be carried out on the premises of the Institute/Faculty/Organ/Center/Núcleo/Colégio Técnico _________________________________. I am I am also aware of the risks of transmission of Covid-19 and the health guidelines presented by the University, and I undertake to follow them and report any occurrence in the place where I study/work (symptoms suggestive of Covid-19) to the Crisis Committee.
____________________________________ ______________________________________________
(name and signature of student/employee) (name and signature of advisor/course coordinator/immediate supervisor)
1. ___________________________ 2._________________________
Name: Name:
Term of Science and Responsibility for students in the Health Area
I, _______________________________________________, RA _________________, student of the ______________________ Course, declare that I am aware of and in accordance with what has been defined for my return to face-to-face activities at Unicamp, to be carried out on the premises of the ___________________________________ Health Unit. I am also aware of the risks of transmission of Covid-19 and of all the necessary prevention and care measures to avoid contagion by the coronavirus, and I commit to following them and regularly using the personal protective equipment necessary for my protection and safety. individual and collective.
____________________________________ ________________________________________
(name and signature of the student) (name and signature of the Course Coordinator)
1. ___________________________ 2. ________________________
Name: Name:
Term of Science and Responsibility for travelers
I, _______________________________________________, RA/registration _________________, declare that I am aware of the risks of traveling during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and I undertake to comply with all health measures required by local authorities during the trip. I also undertake to carry out social isolation for 14 (fourteen) days after my arrival, observing whether symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 appear, in which case I must seek medical assistance. Between the 5th and 8th days of my arrival, I will have to take an RT-PCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2, and only the “non-detected” result will authorize my return to my activities at Unicamp in person.
____________________________________ ________________________________________
(name and signature of the traveler) (name and signature of the Course Coordinator/immediate supervisor)
1. ___________________________ 2. ________________________
Name: Name:
Publish yourself.
Prof. doctor Antonio Jose de Almeida Meirelles
University City “Zeferino Vaz”
June 28 from 2021.
RECTIFY o sequencing of the numbering of articles in Resolution GR 49/2021, of 11/06/2021, published in the DOE on 12/06/2021, Page 142.
Where it reads:
"Article 3 - In the first and second academic semesters of the 2021 academic year [...]”
"Article 2 - In the first and second academic semesters of the 2021 academic year [...]”
Where to read:
"Article 4 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary."
"Article 3 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary."
Publish yourself.
Prof. doctor Antonio Jose de Almeida Meirelles