The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) will apply, next Sunday, June 20th, the test for the third edition of the Unicamp Indigenous Vestibular. The exam will be administered in six cities across the country: Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). The test will be in Portuguese, consisting of 50 multiple choice questions and an essay, as follows: Languages and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay. The test will start at 13 hours and should be considered the local time. 1.697 candidates are registered, from different ethnicities and regions of Brazil. Comvest advises candidates to arrive in advance, as access to the test locations will only be allowed until 13 pm, without fail. The duration of the test is four o'clock.
Candidates must follow the biosafety protocols defined by the health authorities. For the test to run smoothly, candidates must follow some guidelines, such as wearing a mask and taking extra masks to change during the test, if necessary, in addition to bringing their own water and alcohol gel. Candidates will be able to drink water/juices in the room and eat, lowering their mask for a short period of time and kept at a distance.
What to take: the original of the identity document indicated in the inscription, black pen on transparent material, black pencil, eraser. The use of cell phones is prohibited or any other electronic equipment, digital watches, concealers of any kind, mechanical pencil, highlighter pen, bandana/scarf, cap, hat or other foreign waterproof materials. Important: On the day of the test, candidates must bring the documentation specified in the Notice, which proves that they belong to one of the indigenous ethnicities of Brazilian territory. Indigenous students entering the 2019 or 2020 Indigenous Entrance Exam, duly enrolled, are exempt from presenting documentation.
Change – registration dates
Comvest has adjusted the call and registration calendar for the Indigenous Entrance Exam so that those approved have more time to prepare to enroll. The online registration of those approved in the first call, which would be carried out in just one day, from July 7th to 8th, will now be carried out in July 26th to 30th, on the 2021 Indigenous Entrance Exam page. In the two cities with the highest demand for candidates (São Gabriel and Tabatinga) there will also be a shift to provide guidance and assistance to successful candidates when registering online, in a location to be announced. Those approved in other regions will be able to continue to rely on Comvest’s communication channels: and (19) 35211808. The second call will be announced on August 3rd, for online registration on August 4th. The other calls are indicated below.
Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2021
20/06/2021 |
Application of the Tests in the cities of Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM), |
12/07/21 |
Publication of those invited to enroll in the first call and the waiting list, on the Comvest website. |
26/07/2021 a 30/07/2021 |
Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual), on the Comvest website. |
29/30 and 07/XNUMX |
In-person assistance and guidance for virtual enrollment in Tabatinga and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (in a location to be announced). |
3/08/2021 |
Publication of those invited to enroll in the 2nd call, on the Comvest website. |
4/08/2021 |
Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual), on the Comvest website. |
6/08/2021 |
Publication of those invited to enroll in the 3rd call, on the Comvest website. |
9/08/2021 |
Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual), on the Comvest website. |
11/08/2021 |
Publication of those invited to enroll in the 4rd call, on the Comvest website. |
12/08/2021 |
Registration of those called in the 4st call (virtual), on the Comvest website. |
13/08/2021 |
Publication of those invited to enroll in the 5rd call, on the Comvest website. |
16/08/2021 |
Registration of those called in the 5st call (virtual), on the Comvest website. |