In six cities across the country, 700 candidates took the Indigenous Entrance Examination test

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) administered, last Sunday, June 20, the test for the third edition of the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam. In total, 719 students took the test, which was administered in six cities across the countryBauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). Abstention reached 57,6%, that is, of the 1.697 registered, 978 did not show up to take the test. In the cities with the highest number of registered participants, São Gabriel and Tabatinga, the registered rates were slightly lower than the general abstention rate: 54,3% and 52,8% respectively. The table with indices by city is available on the Comvest page: In the two previous editions of the Indigenous Entrance Exam, Comvest recorded an abstention rate of 42%.

For the director of the Commission, José Alves de Freitas Neto, “The high abstention rate was expected. The difficulty of preparing in a pandemic year discourages participation in the race, in addition to the logistics that involve long journeys”. He highlighted, for example, the epidemic context in Mato Grosso do Sul. “The pandemic situation in Mato Grosso do Sul may have impacted the travel of indigenous people from other regions of the State to the city where the Unicamp test is administered, Dourado”, explained José Alves.

Application of the tests in Tabatinga, in Amazonas: the city will have a question list for those approved
Application of the tests in Tabatinga, in Amazonas: the city will have a question list for those approved

Expansion of vacancies

A The test consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions and an essay, as follows: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay. O Indigenous Entrance Exam 2021 offers 88 places, in different undergraduate courses at Unicamp.

After the test, Comvest announced that from the next edition, all courses at the University will offer at least two places for this type of entry, in accordance with a Unicamp resolution approved in 2017.


The cities of Amazonas São Gabriel da Cachoeira and Tabatinga stood out for having, together, 87,2% of all students present in last Sunday's test, which represents 627 of the 719 candidates who appeared. For the director of Comvest, the data consolidates the importance of the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam in these municipalities. “We are very pleased with the good participation of candidates from São Gabriel and Tabatinga, as it demonstrates that the Indigenous Entrance Exam is consolidated among students from these regions of Amazonas”, stated José Alves.

Carlos Bibiano, 18 years old, took the test in São Gabriel da Cachoeira for the Visual Arts course
Carlos Bibiano, 18 years old, took the test in São Gabriel da Cachoeira for the Visual Arts course 

Student Carlos Bibiano, aged 18, was one of the candidates who took the test in São Gabriel da Cachoeira. He took the Visual Arts course as his first option and said that the challenge has been great. “It has been a challenge since the beginning of this pandemic, but I decided to take the plunge into Visual Arts and despite a little anxiety, I am confident,” he said.

Uneventful application

Comvest's logistics coordinator, Kleber Pirota, assessed the application of the test on Sunday as very smooth. He highlighted that, despite the great logistics involved in taking the tests to several states in Brazil, including some regions that take longer to access, such as the cities of Amazonas, the entrance exam went without any complications. “Despite the pandemic situation, which requires greater care from the organizational teams, and all the logistics involved, I evaluate the application of the Indigenous Entrance Exam as a success. We did not record any complications in relation to health protocols, or of any other nature”, he pointed out.

Approved and registrations

The online registration of those approved in the first call will be carried out in July 26th to 30th, on the 2021 Indigenous Entrance Exam page. In the two cities with the highest demand for candidates (São Gabriel and Tabatinga) there will also be a shift to provide guidance and assistance to successful candidates when registering online, in a location to be announced. Those approved in other regions will be able to continue to rely on Comvest’s communication channels: and (19) 35211808. The second call will be announced on August 3rd, for online registration on August 4th. The other calls are indicated below.

Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2021

20 / 06 / 2021 - at 13 pm (local time)

Application of the Tests in the cities of Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM),

12 / 07 / 21 - at 18 pm

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 1nd call and waiting list, on the Comvest website.

26/07/2021 to 30/07/2021 - 09h00 of the 17h00

Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

29/30 and 07 - In-person assistance and guidance for virtual enrollment in Tabatinga and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (in a location to be announced).

3 / 08 / 2021 - at 18 pm

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 2nd call, on the Comvest website.

4 / 08 / 2021 - 09h00 of the 17h00

Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

6 / 08 / 2021 - at 18 pm

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 3th call, on the Comvest website.

9 / 08 / 2021 - 09h00 of the 17h00

Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

11 / 08 / 2021 - at 18 pm

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 4th call, on the Comvest website.

12 / 08 / 2021 - 09h00 of the 17h00

Registration of those called in the 4st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

13 / 08 / 2021 - at 18 pm

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 5th call, on the Comvest website.

16 / 08 / 2021 - 09h00 of the 17h00

Registration of those called in the 5st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.


Application of tests on the Campinas campus: Indigenous Entrance Exam brought together 719 candidates
List of those approved in the first phase will be published on July 12th
Third edition of the Indigenous Vestibular took place in six cities across the country
Candidates Aré Jurupa (black mask) and Assafu Kuikuro (white mask), both from the Xingú Territory: one-week trip to arrive in Campinas
Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Ivan Toro: from the next edition onwards, all courses at the University will offer at least two places for this type of admission
Comvest Coordinator, José Alves: data consolidates the importance of the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam in São Gabriel and Tabatinga
The entrance exam went without any complications
Great logistics involved in taking the tests to several states in Brazil
Candidate Jorge Figueiredo Alves, from the Dessana ethnic group, from São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in Amazonas: is studying Administration at Ufscar and took Physical Education
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In six cities across the country, 700 candidates took the Indigenous Entrance Examination test


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