Unicamp provides 300 free lesson plans for History teachers

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The website of the National Olympiad in History of Brazil (ONHB), a project carried out by Unicamp (State University of Campinas), makes around 300 lesson plans available free of charge to teachers and interested parties to be used with elementary and high school students. 

The materials cover six themes: “History of Africa”, “History of the Indians” and “Civil-Military Dictatorship”, “Images from the classroom”, “Narratives of America: discourses and local dynamics” and “The Brazilian Popular Song in teaching History”. The plans were produced by basic education History teachers who participated in editions of the Training Course promoted by ONHB.

Around 300 lesson plans were made available for use with elementary and high school students 

The available plans are part of a selection of the 50 best from each edition, chosen by a panel of specialist professors from different universities. They were delivered by participants after completing the course workload and under the guidance of tutors – Unicamp professors, doctoral students and guests.

The materials contain objectives of the classroom activity, requirements, forms of assessment, as well as bibliography and various content (videos, reports, music, etc.) that can be worked on with students.

“The History Olympiad’s main objective is to promote the learning of this subject. Therefore, by making the best plans available, we seek to contribute to the teaching practice and classroom activities of teachers across the country”, says the coordinator of ONHB and professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) at Unicamp. , Cristina Meneguello.

In 2021, it will be the 13th edition of ONHB with the participation of students from all over Brazil.
In 2021, it will be the 13th edition of ONHB with the participation of students from all over Brazil.

About the History Olympiad 

The National Olympiad in History of Brazil (ONHB) is a project carried out by the Department of History at Unicamp and is considered an important tool for teaching History. It is supported by the Postgraduate Program in History at Unicamp, with the participation of professors, master's students and doctoral students. In 2021, it will hold its 13th edition with the participation of students from all over Brazil.

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Materials were produced by teachers participating in courses at the National Olympiad in Brazilian History and cover six different themes


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