The Unicamp Open Doors 2021 program begins

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With an entirely virtual format, the 2021 edition of the Unicamp Open Doors (UPA) program began. The opening was attended by the rector and general coordinator of the University, Antonio José Meirelles and Maria Luiza Moretti. UPA 2021 continues until July 23rd, with a program aimed at presenting the University to the general public, especially high school students. The activities also include panels on current issues that permeate Unicamp's activities, such as innovation; scientific and technological production; sustainability and human rights.

During the UPA program, pointed out the dean, students will be able to experience what Unicamp is all about. “They will be able to see what our University best provides to society, in terms of training, human resources, people, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. They will have contact with our research in science, technology and innovation, with the generation of knowledge and the appreciation of culture”. 

Professor Antonio José Meirelles also stressed the importance of Unicamp policies that bring a greater diversity of students to its interior. “Here you will also find a university open to society, seeking, through its policies of inclusion and student permanence, to better reflect the diversity of our country”.

Unicamp's general coordinator, Maria Luiza Moretti, shared a bit of her history with the University, which she joined in 1971 as an undergraduate student. Coming from a public school, the teacher pointed out that it is possible to have access to Unicamp and encouraged students to attend higher education. 

“Higher education can leverage your lives, not only in the sense of entrepreneurship, not only in the sense of better opportunities for professional life, but also, but mainly, for your own lives. Learning, teaching, everything we can acquire at the University is a unique time in our lives and stays forever in our thoughts, in our personality as a good, productive time and full of new knowledge”, he said.

Also participating in the opening of UPA 2021 were the Dean of University Development, Fernando Sarti; the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Ivan Toro; the Dean of Graduate Studies, Rachel Meneghello; the Dean of Research, João Marcos Romano; the Dean of Extension and Culture, Fernando Coelho; and the coordinator of the Coordination of Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Nuclei at Unicamp (Cocen), professor Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel; 

Activities follow 

Also on this first day of UPA 2021, there are activities organized by Unicamp Colleges and Institutes on undergraduate courses, at 14 pm, and a live event organized by the Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Examinations (Comvest) on Unicamp Admission modalities and the format of the Vestibular Unicamp exams, at 17:30. 

Check out the program details:

Tuesday - July 3th

14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in

17:30 pm - Live with Comvest about the Entrance Modalities at Unicamp and the format of the Unicamp Entrance Exam tests. Participation of professors José Alves Neto (director of Comvest) and Márcia Mendonça (academic coordinator of Comvest)

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Tuesday - July 4th

10am - Panel "Science and Technology in the Pandemic"

Participation of professors Marcelo Mori, Luiz Carlos Dias, Anderson Rocha and Marisa Beppu, members of the Unicamp Task Force in Combating Covid-19, and students Rogério Bataglioli and Lucas Buscaratti.

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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in

17:30 pm - Interactive live on the official Vestibular Unicamp profile on Instagram - @vestunicamp

Tuesday - July 5th

10am - Panel "Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University", organized by the Unicamp Innovation Agency (Inova)

Participation by Mariana Inglez (manager of Unicamp's Scientific and Technological Park), David Figueira (former Unicamp student, CEO of Grupo Lamas and president of Unicamp Ventures group), Augusto Gouveia (president of Liga Empreendedora at Unicamp) and Leonardo Galissio ( Director of Expansion of the Federation of Junior Companies of the State of São Paulo).

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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in

17:30 pm - Live with Comvest about student inclusion and retention policies at Unicamp. Participation of professors José Alves Neto (director of Comvest) and Mariana Nery (coordinator of the Student Support Service - SAE).

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Tuesday - July 6th

10am - Panel "Sustainability and Human Rights"

Participation by Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva (coordinator of the Sustainable Campus project), Danúsia Arantes (coordinator of the Olhos no Futuro project), Josianne Cerasolli (coordinator of the Unicamp Human Rights Observatory) and students Dara Signoreti, Daniel Correia and Waldir Junio ​​Rodrigues . 

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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in

17:30 pm - Interactive live from Comvest - Quiz about the Unicamp Entrance Exam

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Unicamp Open Doors 2021 - Virtual Edition 

Dates: July 20th to 23rd, 2021

Full schedule and broadcast links:

Information: and official Unicamp profiles on social networks

Read more: In digital format, Unicamp opens its doors to the public at UPA 2021

cover image
audio description: color photograph of an aerial image of the campus and superimposed on it is the UPA 2021 logo


Internal Community

Delegation learned about research carried out at Unicamp and expressed interest in international cooperation

The show class with chef and gastrologist Tibério Gil on the role of nutrition and gastronomy in contemporary women's health, this Thursday (7), opened the program that runs until Friday (8)


According to Maria Luiza Moretti, despite the progress seen in recent years, the occupation of command positions is still unequal between men and women

There will be four years of partnership, with six places offered each year in the first two periods; the offer increases to nine beneficiaries in the following two years

The publications are divided in a didactic manner into the themes General Women's Health, Reproductive Health, Obstetric Health and Adolescent Women's Health

Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium