This year's edition of the Unicamp Open Doors program, UPA 2021, begins this Tuesday (20). The program includes panels in which major topics that affect the University's activities will be discussed, such as innovation and entrepreneurship; scientific and technological production during the pandemic; and ways to guarantee a more sustainable future that respects human rights. There will also be activities and chats with professors and students from Unicamp's undergraduate courses, as well as videos that allow a tour of the campuses and present the infrastructure and services available to university students. For those thinking about taking the Unicamp entrance exam, Comvest hosts live streams and chats about entry modalities at the university, organization of tests and inclusion and retention policies aimed at students.
"UPA is an event of great importance as it allows the University to bring together high school students and college entrance students. It is an opportunity for interaction in which Unicamp presents its courses, laboratories, research, structures and clarifies doubts about their respective careers professionals. In the 2021 edition, our expectation is that the virtual format will enable more students to have the possibility of getting to know Unicamp and that UPA will be an event that can support them in the decision-making process about the future of their professional careers", comments Maria Luiza Moretti, general coordinator of Unicamp
The opening of UPA 2021 will be at 12pm, live, on TV Unicamp channel on YouTube. All activities will also be broadcast on YouTube, on the channels of TV Unicamp, Vestibular Unicamp and the university's colleges and educational institutes. Those who cannot watch live will be able to check out the recordings, which will be available on the channels. All access links to the broadcasts can be found on the website in the "programming" tab. It is possible to refine the search for activities by course or teaching unit.
Check out the program highlights:
Tuesday - July 3th
12am – Official Opening
Access at
14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in
17:30 pm - Live with Comvest about the Entrance Modalities at Unicamp and the format of the Unicamp Entrance Exam tests. Participation of professors José Alves Neto (director of Comvest) and Márcia Mendonça (academic coordinator of Comvest)
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Tuesday - July 4th
10am - Panel "Science and Technology in the Pandemic"
Participation of professors Marcelo Mori, Luiz Carlos Dias, Anderson Rocha and Marisa Beppu, members of the Unicamp Task Force in Combating Covid-19, and students Rogério Bataglioli and Lucas Buscaratti.
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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in
17:30 pm - Interactive live on the official Vestibular Unicamp profile on Instagram - @vestunicamp
Tuesday - July 5th
10am - Panel "Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University", organized by the Unicamp Innovation Agency (Inova)
Participation by Mariana Inglez (manager of Unicamp's Scientific and Technological Park), David Figueira (former Unicamp student, CEO of Grupo Lamas and president of Unicamp Ventures group), Augusto Gouveia (president of Liga Empreendedora at Unicamp) and Leonardo Galissio ( Director of Expansion of the Federation of Junior Companies of the State of São Paulo).
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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in
17:30 pm - Live with Comvest about student inclusion and retention policies at Unicamp. Participation of professors José Alves Neto (director of Comvest) and Mariana Nery (coordinator of the Student Support Service - SAE).
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Tuesday - July 6th
10am - Panel "Sustainability and Human Rights"
Participation by Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva (coordinator of the Sustainable Campus project), Danúsia Arantes (coordinator of the Olhos no Futuro project), Josianne Cerasolli (coordinator of the Unicamp Human Rights Observatory) and students Dara Signoreti, Daniel Correia and Waldir Junio Rodrigues .
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14pm - Activities organized by Unicamp Faculties and Institutes on undergraduate courses - full schedule in
17:30 pm - Interactive live from Comvest - Quiz about the Unicamp Entrance Exam
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Unicamp Open Doors 2021 - Virtual Edition
Dates: July 20th to 23rd, 2021
Full schedule and broadcast links:
Information: and official Unicamp profiles on social networks