Entrance students from all over the country have the opportunity to learn about the undergraduate courses offered by Unicamp's faculties and institutes, in addition to the work carried out and services available to students and the entire community. More than one hundred activities were part of the UPA 2021 program, held virtually this year due to the still necessary precautions against Covid-19. The activities ended on Friday (23) but can be seen on the Unicamp TV on YouTube.
Meeting with teachers and students
Over the four days of UPA, different activities were carried out presenting the characteristics of Unicamp's undergraduate courses. Teachers were able to explain how they are structured into disciplines and internships and students shared a little of their experiences and routines with those applying for admission. They also answered questions from those who intend to become a Unicamp student and encouraged them to persist in this goal.
"This entrance exam phase is complicated, we are very worried. But the reason I'm here talking to you is to tell you that everything is worth it. I was in your shoes a few years ago, I remember that feeling, but I went through this phase and, looking back, today I see how worth it all was. The message I leave is: stay firm and trust this process", said Gabriela Lopes Fernandes, 4th year medical student, during the live presentation of the course organized by the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM).
The virtual meetings also allowed entrance candidates to have contact with topics that affect their day-to-day courses and professional careers, such as the importance of biological diversity, discussed by the Institute of Biology (IB). Another example was the discussion proposed by the Institute of Economics (IE) about the country's current economic situation and how economists deal with this reality.
At the Faculty of Education (FE), professor Débora Jeffrey spoke to students on the courses and entrance exam candidates about the importance of affirmative actions and ethnic-racial quotas for the university. "We believe that this field can be understood as an area of training, but also of human transformation. We are very much guided by a dialogical relationship, something that comes from Paulo Freire, who was a professor at our Faculty of Education and is a reference for all us", commented the teacher.
All activities organized by teaching units and broadcast on YouTube are listed on the TV Unicamp channel and can be viewed at any time. To facilitate the search, they are available in three playlists: exact and technological sciences, humanities e biological and health sciences.
Space for big themes
Transmitted at 10 am, the UPA thematic panels are an opportunity to discuss major current topics that pass through the routine of professors, researchers and students at the university and show how much Unicamp, by training its students, contributes to scientific and of the country and the well-being of society as a whole.
On Wednesday (21), the panel "Science and Technology in the pandemic" featured a discussion with members of the Unicamp Task Force against Covid-19, an interdisciplinary group of researchers working to combat the coronavirus. During the conversation, they shared their personal experiences and impressions of directing their scientific activities towards the global demand to contain the disease, in addition to contributing to the appreciation of science and the reduction of denialist movements that spread fake news.
"Serving on the Task Force is a great opportunity for us to make, increasingly clear and evident, the central role that public universities have, both in generating science and in informing society about what the best scientific practices are, what is or not appropriate, what is fake news. I think it is also appropriate to have a special look at the way students and researchers communicate science", said Rogério Bataglioli, a researcher at Unicamp linked to the Task Force's head of new technologies.
On Thursday (22) the topic under debate was Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University. Organized by the Unicamp Innovation Agency (INOVA), the panel brought together members of the academic community and the business community to present to those taking part in the projects and opportunities available so that the entrepreneurial spirit can be stimulated in students since graduation.
Leonardo Galissio, expansion president of the Federation of Junior Companies of the State of São Paulo (Fejesp), explained how student involvement in these initiatives is important for academic training, entry into the professional world and the transformation of society. "The main objective of the junior companies movement is to train entrepreneurs and leaders capable of transforming Brazil. Thanks to all the skills formed within junior companies, the professionals who leave them are much more complete", analyzed the student.
The third and final UPA 2021 thematic panel will be this Friday (23) with the theme "Sustainability and Human Rights". The broadcast will be at 10 am on the TV Unicamp channel on YouTube. The other panels are also available on the channel for anyone who wants to check them out.
Lives about the 2022 Entrance Exam: #EuNaUnicamp
Highlights in the UPA program, the activities carried out by the Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) provide space for those applying for entrance exams to have access to all the information necessary to participate in the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam and gain a place in the university's undergraduate courses. The first live broadcast, broadcast on Tuesday (20), brought candidates all the entry options available to students and also tips about the tests. In the second virtual meeting, on Thursday (22), Unicamp's inclusion and permanence policies were discussed.
There was also space for candidates to tell a little about their stories and expectations for the entrance exam. On Wednesday (21), they were able to participate in a conversation on the official Vestibular Unicamp Instagram, @vestunicamp.
UPA 2021 also ends with an activity promoted by Comvest. At 17:30 p.m., at Vestibular Unicamp channel on YouTube, students can participate in an interactive quiz and compete for prizes. All programming carried out by Comvest regarding the Unicamp Vestibular will also be available on the TV Unicamp and Vestibular Unicamp channels on YouTube.