Registration for the 2022 Unicamp Entrance Exam is open

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The Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) opened registrations for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam this Monday, August 2nd. Registrations can be made until the 8th of september, exclusively online, using a form available on the Comvest website: The Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam offers 2.540 vacancies, distributed across 69 courses. Candidates can take up to two course options, as long as they are in the same area. The registration fee is R$180,00 and can be paid up to September 10

The number of places offered by the Vestibular returned to 2.540, as the 639 places in Enem-Unicamp will be offered again this year by the modality, with registrations starting on November 3rd. The 2022 Entry Manual is available for consultation on the Comvest website, with information about the registration process, tests and other steps. According to the calendar, the first call will be held on February 14th.

Given the context of the pandemic, Comvest reinforces that it will continue to adopt all sanitary measures when taking the tests, to ensure that all protocols required by health authorities are followed. Considering that this context also had impacts on education, Comvest made adaptations to the tests and will hold a series of online events to bring entrance candidates closer together, providing information and answering questions.

“We have a huge challenge in holding the 2022 entrance exam, which has to do with student engagement and mobilization. We have seen data, for example, of a very significant drop in enrollment in Enem, which means that these young people are being impacted in their ability to plan their future. Maintaining its own entrance exam as Unicamp maintains, and being proud to carry out an entrance exam with the characteristics it does, is a bet on the future. In this sense, we are clear that we have to prepare a selection process with students who spent two of the three years of high school basically in remote learning. And we will work to always be close to these students, as we have done in recent years”, says Comvest coordinator, José Alves Freitas Neto.

audio description: color photograph of comvest coordinator, professor josé alves
Comvest coordinator, José Alves Freitas Neto, highlights Unicamp's efforts to mobilize students for the Vestibular

Check out this content on Unicamp Radio and on podcast: 


Unicamp served 8.327 students with exemption from registration fee, which will be worth as much for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam as well as for the Enem-Unicamp 2022 modality. Successful candidates must access a specific form at the time of registration and use the exemption code. There will still be the possibility of a partial reduction in the rate, which can be requested from the 4th to the 6th of August. The criteria for reduction can be seen in the Entrance exam notice.


The first phase of the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam will be held in a single day, 7 November 2021, and the second phase will take place on the days January 9th and 10th, 2022. Specific Skills tests for candidates for Music courses will be held before the first phase, in September and October. For other courses that require specific tests (Architecture and Urban Planning, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance), the Specific Skills tests will take place between January 13th and 15th, 2022.

For this year, Comvest decided to maintain the same number of questions from the first phase of the 2021 Entrance Exam, which had been reduced from 90 to 72. The maximum time to complete the test will be four o'clock. Interdisciplinary questions will not be charged. Furthermore, there will be a change in the mathematics test, which will be different for humanities candidates, with questions more applied to the area. 

The changes take into account the difficulties faced by students in the face of the pandemic, which also affects demobilization to pursue higher education. Therefore, adjustments were made and initiatives were taken to encourage student engagement. 

The rector of Unicamp, Antonio José Meirelles, calls on students to take the Entrance Exam and come and study at the University. “We see the future of Unicamp with great optimism and we would like you to dedicate yourself a lot, fight hard so that you can enter and become our students so that we can build this future together. Our optimism that Brazil will recover the idea that science, technology and public service are important for the country's future is something that motivates us to continue the fight and we want to count on you at our side.” 

audio description: color photograph of a classroom with students taking tests
The first phase of the test will take place on November 7th

Required readings

The list of mandatory reading works for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam presents ten works, instead of the traditionally 12 works from previous years. Are they: 

  • Letter of Finding from Brazil: Pero Vaz de Caminha
  • Niketche – a Story of Polygamy: Paulina Chiziane
  • Afternoon: Olavo Bilac
  • Good morning: Machado de Assis
  • Sonnets selected by Comvest: Luis de Camões
  • Surviving hell: Racionais Mc's 
  • The rat seminar: Lygia Fagundes Telles
  • The sailor: Fernando Pessoa 
  • Bankruptcy: Júlia Lopes de Almeida 
  • The athenaeum: Raul Pompeia

Application cities

The first phase will be applied in the State of São Paulo, in 31 cities: Araçatuba, Barueri, Bauru, Botucatu, Bragança Paulista, Campinas, Franca, Guarulhos, Indaiatuba, Jundiaí, Limeira, Lorena, Marília, Mogi das Cruzes, Mogi Guaçu, Osasco, Piracicaba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, Santo André, Santos, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São João da Boa Vista, São José do Rio Preto, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Sorocaba, Sumaré and Valinhos. The only change in relation to the previous entrance exam is that the city of Fernandópolis has been removed.

Outside the State of São Paulo, they receive the Unicamp Vestibular exams five capitals: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza and Salvador.

2022 Ticket Manual, Lives and Vestibular application

Comvest offers a free application, from which students can receive alerts about important entrance exam dates, in addition to having quick access to the most relevant information. The “Vestibular Unicamp” application can be downloaded for free.

The Commission has scheduled a series of events online, with live broadcast, to facilitate the participation of candidates interested in answering questions and clarifying information about the admission options to Unicamp's undergraduate courses. The broadcasts can be followed on Comvest's social networks: Instagram: @vestunicamp. YouTube: Unicamp Vestibular. Facebook: Unicamp Vestibular. Twitter: @VestUnicamp

Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam Calendar

Registration and payment of the Registration Fee: 2/8 to 8/9/2021 (payment by 10/9)

Specific Skills Tests - Music: 15 to 24/9/2021 – Stage I and 22/28 to 10/2021 – Stage II

1ª phase: 7/11/2021

2ª phase: 9 and 10 / 1 / 2022

Specific Skills Tests (Architecture and Urbanism, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance): 13 to 15/1/2022

First call disclosure: 14/2/2022

Registration online from the first call: 15, 16 and 17/2/2022

The complete calendar is available at Comvest page.

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Registration runs from August 2nd to September 8th


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium