Unicamp's Hospital de Clínicas (HC) was selected by the Ministry of Health to participate in the project Health in our hands: Improving patient safety on a large scale in Brazil. The objective of the project is to improve patient safety by implementing practices to prevent infections related to the use of mechanical ventilation, the use of venous catheters and bladder catheters in ICUs in the five regions of Brazil.
With the support of the Hospital Infection Control Commission (CCIH), the Superintendence and the Quality and Patient Safety Center (NQSS), HC Unicamp signed up to voluntarily participate in the project and underwent an online selection interview. On August 12, the superintendent of HC Unicamp, Antonio Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho, received a message from Adriana Melo Teixeira, director of Home and Emergency Hospital Care at the Ministry of Health, informing that the hospital had been selected to participate in the project.
According to the message, for 24 months, an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at HC Unicamp will be accompanied by professionals from PROADI-SUS hospitals and the Ministry of Health, who will conduct virtual training sessions, ongoing support and visits at the hospital. In total, there will be 204 hospitals working together to reduce infections and improve patient safety and avoid waste in the Unified Health System (SUS).
The five PROADI-SUS hospitals that work collaboratively to execute the project, using methodology and technical support from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) are: Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, Hospital do Coração, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Hospital Moinhos de Vento and Hospital Sírio Libanês.
“We still don’t know which hospital will mentor us to carry out the project. Initially, the project will be implemented in the Adult ICU and will have the support of the Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention Team (IRAS) of the Patient Safety Center (NSP)”, reveals Mariana Salhab Dall' Aqua Schweller, coordinator of the NSP from HC Unicamp.
original article published on the Unicamp HC website.