Resolution GR 57/2021 provides for preparatory measures for the resumption of in-person activities

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Resolution GR-057/2021, of 13/08/2021

Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles

Provides for preparatory measures for the resumption of face-to-face activities for employees on the campuses of the State University of Campinas.

The Rector of the State University of Campinas, using his legal powers, resolves:

Art. 1º – To organize and prepare for the resumption of the University’s in-person activities, all employees, teaching and non-teaching staff, must prove their vaccination status against COVID-19, via the DGRH computerized system – VidaFunccional Online, within 05 (five) days from the publication of this Resolution.

§ º 1 - Employees who have not yet been vaccinated at the time of publication of this Resolution must prove their vaccination status against COVID-19 as they are vaccinated, within a period of 05 (five) days from vaccination.

§ º 2 - Employees who have already proven their vaccination status against COVID-19 are exempt from complying with the provisions of the caput of this article, and the local Units, Bodies or Crisis Committees are responsible for sending this data to the DGRH-DSO for inclusion in the computerized system of the DGRH.

§ º 3 - The DGRH-DSO will be responsible for processing and using the information received by the server, as well as adopting measures that ensure confidentiality and preservation thereof, in compliance with the provisions of the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709 /2018) and the provisions of Deliberation CAD-A-02/2017, which provides for the Occupational Health Policy of the State University of Campinas.

Art. 2º - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication.

Published in DOE on 14/08/2021. Page 80.

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Resolution GR 57/2021 provides for proof of vaccination status against Covid-19


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