Curricular innovations 2021 will have as their theme the integration of university extension into undergraduate courses

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Reaching its eighth edition and sixteenth year, the biannual “Curriculum Innovations” seminar seeks to incorporate both demands arising from public educational policies and broader discussions of academic training in recent times. The event will be held on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November 2021, it is free and registration is now open for participation and abstract submission. It will feature more than 30 speakers, from different areas and institutions in Brazil, in addition to 12 workshops, in 3 days full of activities. To find out more and sign up, the website is available at this address. The seminar is being organized by EA2, Educational Technologies Management Group (GGTE) and Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

This year, the event takes into account CNE/CES Resolution No. 7/2018, which establishes guidelines for extension in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country, defining principles, foundations and procedures to be observed in their planning, management and evaluation. Therefore, the seminar opens spaces for analyses, reflections and debates on extension and teaching concepts, experiences developed in different HEIs and integration projects that can contribute to the topic at hand. In this sense, teaching and assessment proposals for higher education that consider the use of technological resources and methodological perspectives focused on the theme of curricular innovation will also be discussed.

The event coordinators, professors Gildo Girotto Jr and Arnaldo Pinto Jr.: theme in 2021 is the dialogue between teaching and extension
The event coordinators, professors Gildo Girotto Jr and Arnaldo Pinto Jr.: theme in 2021 is the dialogue between teaching and extension

Due to pandemic restrictions, the event had to be completely rethought in organizational terms. Originally in person, this year it will be held via a digital platform and synchronous online videoconferences. Despite the change in the way it is carried out, its essence remains the same, with several conferences, round tables, cultural presentations, workshops and work presentations, in the form of posters and oral communications.

By highlighting the integration of university extension in the form of curricular components in undergraduate courses, discussions and work are articulated around four axes: Extension, social integration and professional training; Extension, student and teacher evaluation; Extension, teaching and the meanings of curricular integration and Extension and public policies. Within the scope of Unicamp, the debate on extension and teaching comes from previous initiatives by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Dean of Extension and Culture and the Teaching and Learning Support Space (EA2 - organizer and director of the event) . Such initiatives took place between 2019 and 2020, when several lectures, conversation circles and meetings were held with undergraduate coordinators, focusing on academic excellence and the University's unique characteristics. VIII Inovações Curriculares recovers these discussions and seeks to create a space for sharing with other HEIs that are going through similar processes.

According to the event coordinators, professors Arnaldo Pinto Jr. (EA2 Coordinator) and Gildo Girotto Jr (Associate Coordinator), by inviting professors, students and managers from various regions of Brazil to discuss the concepts, experiences and projects of extension integrated into teaching, this edition of the Seminar “reaffirms the importance of scientific production and dissemination carried out by universities, always in conjunction with communities in general. Taking into account the different sociocultural realities and the challenges arising from the constant transformations experienced in our country, the eighth edition of “Inovações Curriculares” was organized to share experiences of working in higher education that strengthen the relationship between universities and society within the legal framework of inseparability of teaching, research and extension”.


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The event will be held online on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November and will be free. Registration is open for participation and submission of abstracts from institutions across Brazil


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