It's time to light up the University

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Celebration of the reopening of the University campuses on September 13, 2021

With the publication of Resolution GR 024/2020, March 13th of last year entered the University's history as it marked the beginning of a period of remote activities. At that moment, we still didn't know how long our fields they would be empty, devoid of the life that emerges when the university community occupies its spaces.

Today, the scenario has changed. The expansion of knowledge about the disease and the scope of vaccination for the entire population brought a new perspective for the future. Exactly a year and a half after that 13th, it is time to inaugurate a new phase at the University. Rector Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles calls on all University employees already immunized against Covid-19, and who are not yet in face-to-face activities, to return to their offices. fields from September 13, 2021. Undergraduate and postgraduate students will also be able to return after complete vaccination. The format of teaching activities will be determined by the respective faculties, institutes and technical colleges.

To mark this special moment and celebrate this new phase, there will be a reopening ceremony of the fields on September 13th. After a symbolic “lighting on”, there will be a tribute to the victims of Covid-19 and a special program during the week, with artistic events.

With attention focused on the university community, initiatives to ensure a safe return are being developed by Unicamp's Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee, created by Resolution GR-43/2021, and by the Working Group for the Resumption of On-site Activities at Unicamp , created by Ordinance GR-99/2021. Among them, the following stand out: prior testing for SARS-CoV-2; training on sanitary measures through video classes; the use of application for epidemiological surveillance; and the fundamental follow-up action of the local Crisis Committees of the Institutes, Units, Bodies, Centres, Nuclei and Technical Colleges.

And, more importantly, Unicamp, in partnership with the City Hall of Campinas and CECOM – Community Health Center – will promote, as of August 17th, vaccination for all civil servants, students and employees of outsourced companies who have not yet been immunized.

This is a special moment for Unicamp. With safety, care and respect for the community, it's time to light up the University.

Dean of Unicamp

Campinas, August 13, 2021.


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Celebration of the reopening of the University campuses on September 13, 2021


Internal Community

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The show class with chef and gastrologist Tibério Gil on the role of nutrition and gastronomy in contemporary women's health, this Thursday (7), opened the program that runs until Friday (8)


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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium