Resolution GR-060/2021, of 08/09/2021
Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Provides for the resumption of face-to-face activities by employees on the campuses of the State University of Campinas and the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas,
Considering the University's commitment to protecting the life and health of the entire community;
Considering the work of the Working Group established by the Ordinance GR-099/2021, responsible for presenting the proposal to resume face-to-face activities at UNICAMP;
Considering the current epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba and in the State of São Paulo, demonstrated through recent epidemiological bulletins from these municipalities (;; and the State (, accessed on 31/08/2021, which reveal the drop in the number of serious cases of Covid-19 and the increase in the scope of vaccination;
Considering the need to maintain hygienic and sanitary measures in face-to-face activities;
Considering the diversity of activities carried out on university campuses, which require specific adaptations, according to local assessment;
Considering the precautionary decision issued by the Federal Supreme Court in ADI 6.625, according to which the measures provided for in Articles 3°, 3°-A, 3°-B, 3°-C, 3°-D, 3°-E remain in force , 3°-F, 3°-G, 3°-H and 3°-J, including the respective paragraphs, items and subparagraphs of Federal Law No. 13.979, of February 6, 2020, ⎼ measures aimed at combating public health emergency resulting from the coronavirus, including compulsory vaccination ⎼;
Considering the recommendations of the Internal Technical Guide of the Public Ministry of Labor on Covid-19 vaccination, and in the exercise of its duties;
Resolve that:
Art. 1º – All Teaching and Research Units, Centers and Nuclei, Technical Colleges, Bodies and other university environments will resume their face-to-face activities, from September 13, 2021, following the same opening hours practiced before the pandemic, in accordance with the rules of return of the servers provided for in this Resolution.
Art. 2º - All University employees who belong to the group eligible for immunization against Covid-19, according to the immunization program of the State of São Paulo and the calendar of the Municipal Government of the employee's domicile, are obliged to be vaccinated and provide due proof before the University, under penalty of application of Article 8 of Deliberation CAD-A-002/2017 and other disciplinary measures.
Art. 3º - All University employees who have completed immunization against Covid-19 ⎼ that is, 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the 2nd dose (or single dose) of any of the vaccines against Covid-19 ⎼, regardless of whether they are or not in the risk group, they must return to their jobs in person, completing their respective working hours at the University, from September 13, 2021, observing the following health measures:
I - mandatory use of a mask during the period of stay on the institution's premises;
II - social distancing of at least 1,5 meters between people;
III - frequent hand hygiene;
IV - prohibition of gatherings.
§ º 1 - Pregnant employees must remain away from in-person work activities, in accordance with Law No. 14.151/2021.
§ º 2 - The return of the employees referred to in the caput of this article will be preceded by testing for SARS-CoV-2 using the RT-PCR method, to be carried out at CECOM in the 72 hours prior to their return, and by training with EDUCORP .
§ º 3 - In-person return may occur on a rotating schedule, to be authorized by the director of the Unit or Body, in the following situations:
a) When the work environment, even with possible adaptations, does not allow a distance of 1,5 meters between employees, as assessed by the respective local Crisis Committee;
b) When the employee is responsible for a child enrolled in teaching units outside the University that are not operating full-time, upon presentation of a declaration from the school stating the flexible period of operation and the child's enrollment schedule.
§ º 4 - Special cases related to infrastructure issues must be handled by the local Crisis Committee and the head of the Unit or Agency, with support from DEPI, if necessary.
§ º 5 - The possible booster dose (3rd dose) of the vaccine against Covid-19 will follow the calendar of the State of São Paulo's immunization program and will not interfere with the employee's return process nor justify the interruption of in-person work.
§ º 6 - It will be the responsibility of the Campus Experience Secretariat (SVC) and the Regional Administration Secretariat (SAR), on the Piracicaba and Limeira campuses, to monitor the use of masks in Unicamp's public open spaces and provide guidance regarding their use.
§ º 7 - In case of resistance to the use of a mask, or the occurrence of crowds, SVC and SAR will record the facts, for subsequent adoption of measures.
Art. 4º - Employees who have not yet completed immunization against Covid-19, but who, at the time of publication of this GR Resolution, have already returned to their jobs at the University, will continue to work in person, on a schedule defined by the head of the Unit or Body, being exempt from carrying out retesting for SARS-CoV-2.
Sole Paragraph. The employees mentioned in the caput of this article, after completing immunization against Covid-19, must complete their respective working hours at the University, in accordance with Article 3.
Art. 5º - The payment of the Night Work Incentive (ITN) is reinstated, upon the resumption of face-to-face activities, to employees who meet the requirements of the Resolution GR-041/2003, of 11/06/2003.
§1 – Considering the provisions of §1 of Article 1 of the Resolution GR-048/2020, of 16/04/2020, the Units and Bodies that have on their staff employees who are entitled to the ITN must readjust the working hours of these employees to the day between 14 pm and 23 pm.
§2 - The ITN will be due from the date on which the employee begins to complete the journey referred to in the previous paragraph, according to the needs of the Unit or Body and with the consent of its manager or director.
Art. 6º – The payment of health and hazard premiums to employees who return to face-to-face activities is reinstated, as long as exposure to unhealthy or dangerous agents is also reestablished.
Art. 7º - Service in DEDIC/DEEPU socio-educational units will be fully resumed from October 04, 2021. Child allowance, granted under the terms of Resolution GR-029/2020, will be interrupted from October 01st, 2021 and your last payment will be made on October 06th, 2021.
Art. 8º - The following emergency measures and guidelines are established, of a temporary and exceptional nature, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19 on the campuses of the State University of Campinas:
I. Maintenance of Crisis Committees of Teaching and Research Units, Centers, Centers, Bodies and Technical Colleges;
II. Compliance with hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing of at least 1,5 meters between people, hand hygiene), including for vaccinated people;
III. Continuity of ongoing works, reiterating sanitary measures with companies; the beginning of new works on the campuses may occur upon acknowledgment from DEPI and authorization from the local Crisis Committee;
IV. Operation of chartered and circular buses, with no limit on maximum seat occupancy, with mandatory use of masks by drivers and passengers;
V. Opening of the University Restaurant from 10:30 am to 14 pm for lunch and from 17:30 pm to 19 pm for dinner, to deliver meals to the health sector, to people involved in testing for Covid-19, to scholarship students, staff and students in in-person activities. Employees of outsourced companies will continue to eat their meals on the restaurant premises;
VI. Continuity of the activities of the Community Health Center (CECOM), with preferential care for suspected or diagnosed cases of Covid-19;
VII. Permission for the in-person application of tests for Public Competitions and selection processes, as long as the health measures established in Article 3 are observed;
VIII. Permission for national and international travel of an institutional nature after 14 (fourteen) days of receiving the second dose (or single dose) of the vaccine against Covid-19, upon agreement by the Manager and signature of the Acknowledgment and Responsibility Term by the traveler (Annex I );
IX. Obligation for the server, after returning from national or international trips of any nature, to resume their activities at the University, reporting their health condition to the local Crisis Committee. In the presence of symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, the employee must carry out social isolation and immediately seek CECOM or another health service referenced in Covid-19 care for evaluation and management;
X. Mandatory presentation of a negative RT-PCR test result by Visiting Professors and Researchers, coming from national or international territory; tests must be carried out up to 72 hours before the start of activities at Unicamp and these Visiting Professors and Researchers will be monitored for respiratory symptoms for two weeks;
XI. Possibility of holding in-person Congresses, scientific events, workshops, graduations, defense panels, competitions and joint work activities such as meetings, as long as the health measures mentioned in Article 3 are complied with and with the consent of the local Crisis Committees;
XII. Possibility of holding administrative meetings, such as department councils, congregations, CAD, CEPE, CONSU, among others, in person, semi-in-person or remotely, in accordance with the terms of the Deliberation CAD-A-002/2020, as long as the health measures mentioned in Article 3 are complied with (in the case of in-person and semi-in-person meetings) and with the consent of the local Crisis Committees;
XIII. Possibility of holding meetings and hearings within the scope of administrative inquiries and administrative disciplinary proceedings remotely, in accordance with the terms of Resolution GR-095/2020 e Resolution GR-096/2020, at the discretion of the President of each Commission.
Art. 9º - Interns, volunteers, patrollers, residents and members of the Post-Doctoral, Researcher or Collaborating Professor and Guest Visiting Researcher Programs, as well as participants in other University programs, will return to face-to-face activities in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of this Resolution.
Art 10 - The measures contained in this Resolution will be subject to reevaluation, at any time, as the pandemic situation evolves.
Art 11 – The in-person return of Unicamp students will be addressed in a specific GR Resolution.
Art 12 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary, in particular those Resolution GR-026/2020, Resolution GR-029/2020, Resolution GR-080/2020, Resolution GR-087/2020, Resolution GR-093/2020, Resolution GR-004/2021, Resolution GR-020/2021, Resolution GR-024/2021 e Resolution GR-049/2021.
Term of Science and Responsibility for travelers
I, _______________________________________________, RA/registration _________________, declare to be aware of the risks of traveling during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, committing myself to comply, during the trip, with all health measures required by local authorities. I also undertake to inform, shortly after my arrival, the presence or absence of symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 to the Crisis Committee of my Institute, Faculty, Center, Center, Body or Technical College. I also declare to be aware that only the absence of symptoms will allow me to return to my activities at Unicamp in person. In the event of the emergence of symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, I undertake to carry out social isolation, seek medical services and perform RT-PCR for detection of SARS-CoV-2, aware that only the “undetected” result will authorize the return to my activities at Unicamp in person.
(Place), (date)
(traveler's name and signature)
(name and signature of the Course Coordinator/immediate supervisor)
1. ___________________________ 2. ________________________
Name: Name:
Published in DOE on 09/09/2021. Page 83.