Resolutions 63 and 64/2021 provide for the in-person resumption of undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and technical college students

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Resolution GR- 63/2021, of 04/10/2021


Provides for the resumption of face-to-face activities for undergraduate, postgraduate, Extension and Technical College students in fields of the State University of Campinas and on the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19.

The Rector of the State University of Campinas,

Considering the University's commitment to protecting the life and health of the entire community;

Considering the work of the Working Group established by Ordinance GR No. 120/2021, responsible for planning the resumption of face-to-face classes for Unicamp students;

Considering the current epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba and in the State of São Paulo, demonstrated through recent bulletins epidemiological of these counties (https://covid-;;  and the State (https: //,  accessed on 30/09/2021, which reveal the drop in the number of serious cases of Covid-19 and the increase in the scope of vaccination;

Considering CEE Deliberation No. 152/2017, of the State Education Council, which provides for the delegation of powers to universities and public university centers belonging to the State Education System;

Considering the need to maintain hygienic and sanitary measures in face-to-face activities;

Considering the diversity of activities carried out in fields university students, who require specific adaptations, according to local assessment;

Considering the precautionary decision issued by the Federal Supreme Court in ADI 6.625, according to which the measures provided for in Arts. 3°, 3°-A, 3°-B, 3°-C, 3°-D, 3°-E, 3°-F, 3°-G, 3°-H and 3°-J, inclusive of respective paragraphs,

items and paragraphs of Federal Law No. 13.979, of February 6, 2020, these measures aimed at tackling the public health emergency arising from the coronavirus, including compulsory vaccination; Resolve that:

Article 1 - Theoretical subjects taught by UNICAMP, as well as their assessments, may continue in a remote format until the end of the second semester of 2021 and during the period of summer subjects in 2022.

Article 2 - From October 2021, subjects offered by UNICAMP in the current semester and during the summer course period, in modalities other than those provided for in art 1, may take place in person for undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and of Technical Colleges, respecting the assumptions described in Article 4.

§ 1 - This Article will not apply to undergraduate and postgraduate practical activities in the health area, as the health area has previously released its practical activities.

§ 2 - The in-person return of students will not be mandatory and may occur through optional educational activities, such as solving exercises and practical demonstrations, through a rotating schedule, to be authorized by the director of the Institute, College and Technical College.

§ 3 - The assessment activities relating to the disciplines provided for in the caput of this Article must remain remotely.

§ 4 - Special cases related to infrastructure issues in the academic environment must be handled by the local Crisis Committee and the director of the unit or body, with support from the PRG and PRPG, if necessary.

§ 5 - Course coordinators, teachers and PAEPE employees must propose welcoming actions and information on the adaptation of face-to-face activities (such as conversation circles, lectures, workshops) to the Local Crisis Committees, in order to publicize the importance of welfare practices. stay, stay programs and mental health, as well as the necessary referrals to the assistance network already existing at Unicamp, as described in institutional documents.

Article 3 - All undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and Technical College students who belong to the group eligible for immunization against Covid-19, according to the immunization program of the State of São Paulo and the calendar of the City Hall of the student's home, are required to be fully immunized - that is, 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the 2nd dose (or single dose) - and to provide appropriate proof to the University to attend its campuses - restaurants, libraries, academic environments and other face-to-face activities.

§ 1 - To prove vaccination, the student must enter correct and complete

data in the e-DAC application, in the vaccination area.

§ 2 - Information regarding the status The student's vaccination will be systematically provided by DAC to the Course coordinators.

Article 4 - Todos os undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University who are participating in face-to-face activities on campuses must observe the following health measures:

  1. - Mandatory use of a mask during the period of stay on the institution's premises;
  2. - Social distancing of at least 1,5 meters between people; III -Frequent hand hygiene;

IV - Prohibition of gatherings.

§ 1 - Pregnant undergraduate and postgraduate students must remain away from in-person study and research activities, in accordance with Law No. 14.151/2021.

§ 2 - The return of undergraduate and postgraduate students what the caput of this Article will be preceded by testing for SARS-CoV-2 using the RT-PCR method, to be carried out by CECOM in the 72 hours prior to return, and by training with EDUCORP.

§ 3 - It will be up to the Department of Experience in Fields (SVC) and the Regional Administration Secretariat (SAR), in fields of Piracicaba and Limeira, monitor the use of masks in public open spaces at Unicamp and provide guidance on their use.

§ 4 - In case of resistance to the use of the mask, or the occurrence of crowds, SVC and SAR will record the facts, for subsequent adoption of measures.

Article 5 - The following emergency measures and guidelines are established, of a temporary and exceptional nature, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19 at the State University of Campinas:

  1. Maintenance of Crisis Committees of Teaching and Research Units, Centers, Centers, Bodies and Technical Colleges;
  2. Compliance with hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing of at least 1,5 meters between people, hand hygiene), including for vaccinated people;
  3. On circular buses, it must be mandatory for drivers and passengers to wear a mask;
  4. The University Restaurant will be open from 10:30 am until 14 pm for lunch and from 17:30 pm to 19 pm for dinner, only for delivery of meals to the health sector, scholarship students and students in in-person activities. The Institutes or Faculty must inform the Resumption Committee, at least 20 (twenty) days in advance, the name list of students who wish to use the University Restaurant.
  5. Detailed guidelines regarding the caput of this Article should be consulted through the institutional website
  6. Continuity of Student Support Service (SAE) and Psychological and Psychiatric Assistance Service (SAPPE) activities with prior scheduling, in person or remotely. The different forms of scheduling and assistance, for each area of ​​the organization, will be detailed in
  7. Project activities arising from social assistance grants managed by SAE must continue to be carried out preferably remotely. The face-to-face modality may occur under the conditions described in Article 4 of this caput, with the format being optional for students.
  8. DAC's service to students will be provided in person or remotely, through the "Contact Us" channel on the DAC page (  with us). If necessary, the student can schedule a face-to-face appointment, complying with all the protocols described in Article 4.
  9. Mandatory submission to CECOM of a negative RT-PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2 carried out up to 72 hours before the start of activities on university campuses by undergraduate and postgraduate students coming from

other areas of the national or international territory. These students will be monitored for respiratory symptoms for two weeks by CECOM;

  1. Permission for national and international travel of an institutional nature after 14 (fourteen) days of receiving the second dose (or single dose) of the vaccine against Covid-19, upon agreement by the Manager and signature of the Acknowledgment and Responsibility Term by the traveler (Annex I ). International travel planning must comply with the vaccination protocols required by the destination country.
  2. Possibility of in-person participation in Congresses, scientific events, workshops, competitions and joint activities such as meetings, as long as the health measures mentioned in Article 3 are complied with and with the consent of the local Crisis Committees;
  3. Possibility of participating in administrative meetings, such as department councils, congregations, CAD, CEPE, CONSU, among others, in person, semi-in-person or remotely, under the terms of Deliberation CAD-A-02/2020, as long as they are complied with (in the case face-to-face and semi-face-to-face meetings) the health measures mentioned in Article 4 and with the consent of the local Crisis Committees;
  4. Research activities in the field, in laboratories, musical and other practical activities must comply with all measures in Article 4, in addition to observing the principle of not being mandatory, until otherwise determined by the university.

Single paragraph - Institutes or Faculties must inform the Resumption Committee at least 07 days in advance of the nominal list and Academic Registration (RA) of all students who will attend the fields and that they will carry out testing for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR by CECOM.

Article 6 - Exceptional situations will be discussed and deliberated within the PRG and PRPG.

Article 7º - The measures contained in this Resolution will be subject to reevaluation, at any time, as the pandemic situation evolves.

Article 8 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary, in particular Resolutions GR No. 26/2020, 29/2020, 80/2020, 87/2020, 93/2020, 04/2021, 20 /2021, 24/2021 and 49/2021.




Term of Science and Responsibility for travelers

I , RA , I declare to be aware of the risks of traveling during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, committing to comply, during the trip, with all health measures required by local authorities. I also undertake to carry out social isolation for 14 (fourteen) days after my arrival, observing whether symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 appear, in which case I must seek medical assistance. Between the 5th and 8th days of my arrival, I will have to take an RT-PCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2, and only the “non-detected” result will authorize me to return in person to my activities at Unicamp.##


Resolution GR-064/2021, of 04/10/2021

Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Change the Resolution GR-063/2021, which provides for the resumption of face-to-face activities for undergraduate, postgraduate, Extension and Technical College students on the campuses of the State University of Campinas and the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid -19.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas resolves that:
Art. 1º - It is added to art. 3rd of Resolution GR-063/2021 § 3, with the following wording:
“§ 3 - In the case of students at Technical Colleges, proof of vaccination must be provided to the respective secretariat of each College.” 
Art. 2º - The caput and §§ 1 and 2 of art. 4th and the sole paragraph of art. 5th of Resolution GR-063/2021 passam a vigorar com a ensinte redação:
“Art. 4th - All undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and Technical College students of the University who are participating in face-to-face activities on the campuses must observe the following sanitary measures:
§ 1 - Pregnant students must remain away from in-person study activities, in accordance with Law No. 14.151/2021.
§ 2 - The return of students will be preceded by testing for SARS-CoV-2 using the RT-PCR method, to be carried out by CECOM in the 72 hours prior to return, and by training action with EDUCORP.”
“Art. 5th - (...)
Single paragraph. Institutes, Faculties and Technical Colleges must inform the Resumption Committee at least 07 days in advance of the nominal list and Academic Registration (RA) of all students who will attend the campuses and who will be tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR by CECOM. “
Art. 3º - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary.

Published in DOE on 07/10/2021. Page 62.


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