HC Endocrinology Service is elected one of the best in the world by Newsweek magazine

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The Endocrinology service at Unicamp's Hospital de Clínicas (HC) is among the 125 best in the world, according to the annual survey by the The World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2022, ranking from American magazine Newsweek. It was ranked 105th, behind only the Endocrinology services offered by Albert Einstein and Sírio Libanês hospitals in Brazil.

For the HC superintendent, Antonio Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho, independent evaluations, such as the one from the magazine Newsweek, show that the Endocrinology service team is of the highest level, as are many others at the hospital.

"The search for awards that recognize the work done at HC is extremely important for everyone's motivation - for teaching, for research and for the care of our patients. I want the Endocrinology service to be a beacon of light to enlighten people, and motivate them in the search for this type of certification and recognition”, said, emotionally, the HC superintendent.

The HC Endocrinology service serves around a thousand medium and high complexity patients every month and maintains partnerships with other areas of the HC and Unicamp, such as Pediatrics, Gynecology, Pathological Anatomy, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology and Neurosurgery, in addition to the Boldrini Children's Center.

Currently, it has four professors from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM): professors Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann, Elizabeth João Pavin, Lígia Vera Montali da Assumpção and professor Marcos Antonio Tambascia, in addition to three doctors (Maria Cândida Parisi, Arnaldo Moura Neto and Walter José Minicucci), retired professor collaborator Heraldo Mendes Garmes and eight resident doctors.

"We are a lean service. Our difference lies in partnerships and multidisciplinary approach. Because endocrinology is a broad and comprehensive specialty, our services are collaborative. We serve patients with obesity, metabolic syndrome, type I and II diabetes, nodules, cancer or thyroid dysfunction, or who require ultrasound-guided puncture and treatments in the area of ​​neuroendocrinology. Among other partnerships, our residents participate in pediatric endocrine and sex differentiation disorders services with the Pediatrics area; with Gynecology, we participate in the gynaecoendocrinology service, and so on. Our staff It is also engaged in research and guidance for postgraduate students and medical residents in their course completion work, and in participation in internships and national and international conferences. We go out of our way to serve our patients in the best possible way”, says the head of the Endocrinology service at HC and the Endocrinology discipline at FCM, Denise Wittmann, surprised by the result of the evaluation of the Newsweek.

Clinical care and research

The Endocrinology area also develops the following lines of research: markers of insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors; prognostic factors in thyroid carcinoma and disorders of differentiation and sex determination and endocrine diseases in childhood, among other research in partnership with professors and groups from FCM and HC.

As pediatric endocrinologist Gil Guerra Júnior recalls, in Brazil the HC endocrinology service was second only to two private hospitals (Albert Einstein and Sírio Libanês) with strong investment in technology. For him, the HC group is able to compensate for the technological issue with the quality of the clinical service offered by professors, doctors, residents and nurses.

"As we are a teaching hospital within a public university, our patients understand that we are dedicated to them not only in care, but also in teaching and research, which are also fundamental to the quality of care. It is an honor to be among the 125 best in the world in the main public service of Endocrinology”, highlights Gil Guerra.

Also according to the doctor, who is also a professor of pediatrics at FCM, when we talk about endocrinology we are not just talking about adults, but also about children.

"We are a reference in pediatric endocrinology in the areas of sex differentiation, precocious puberty and growth disorders, and one of the references in the State of São Paulo for neonatal screening. This alone indicates the quality of our service”, he adds.

Best hospitals in the world and specialties

O ranking of the Best Specialized Hospitals in the World is published annually by Newsweek. There are ten categories: Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics and Pulmonology.

Ratings are based on physician recommendations, patient and family satisfaction surveys, and performance indicators. The work is done in partnership with Statista Inc., a global market research and consumer data company.

Original article published on the Unicamp HC website. 


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For superintendent Antonio Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho, this type of independent evaluation shows that the team is of the highest level, as are several others in the hospital.


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