The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) opened registrations for the Enem-Unicamp 3 selection process today (11/2022). until 17pm on November 30th, exclusively on the Comvest website ( Interested parties must fill out an electronic form and collect the registration fee. Candidates for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam who obtained a fee exemption will also have an exemption in the Enem-Unicamp process. For others, the fee will be Real 30 (Real 15 for those who also signed up for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam). O Payment of the fee can be made until December 7th. The Notice with the rules of the process is available on the Comvest website.
are offered 639 vacancies, aimed at three segments of register: 50% of vacancies for candidates who have fully completed the course High school in public school (or who have obtained high school certification from Enem or other official exam until 2016); 25% of vacancies for candidates self-declared black and brown; and 25% of vacancies for candidates self-declared black, brown or indigenouss who have completed high school in a public school. The list of courses and vacancies is available on the Comvest page. Is it possible to do up to two options of course. Candidates will be able to use their Enem 2021 and/or 2020 scores.
Just like in the Unicamp Entrance Exam, to be entitled to quotas based on ethnic-racial criteria, students who self-declare as black or mixed race must possess phenotypic traits that characterize them as black, black or brown. These students must sign and insert in the system, upon registration, a declaration according to the model specified in the Notice and also available on the Comvest website. Candidates opting for ethnic-racial quotas must submit to an Inquiry Commission, designated by the Executive Directorate of Human Rights. Those opting for indigenous vacancies must also present a declaration and may be submitted to an Inquiry Committee. Candidates who have completed an undergraduate or postgraduate course at a public institution (federal, state or municipal) will not be able to compete in the Enem-Unicamp modality.
Multiple Entries
The interested may register at the same time in more than one Unicamp selection system for 2022 (Unicamp Entrance Exam, Enem-Unicamp modality and Olympic Vacancies modality). If a candidate is invited to enroll in a same course, in the same call, in the 2022 Vestibular and in Enem-Unicamp, the vacancy to be filled will be that of the Vestibular. If you are invited to enroll in different courses, and on same call, in the 2022 Entrance Exam and in Enem-Unicamp, the candidate will make the choice at the time of registration. When registering in one of the systems, the candidate will automatically be excluded from the classification list of the other admission systems. If you are enrolled in the same course, are called in any system and do not enroll, your name will be excluded from calls in other systems.
The Enem tests are the responsibility of the National Institute of Education and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), linked to the Ministry of Education. Enem 2021 grades can only be used for admission to Unicamp if INEP makes the registration and grades available in a timely manner for the classification of candidates. This does not interfere with the use of Enem 2020 scores for those candidates who wish to use them, which are already available.
There will even be five calls for enrollment online. The dates on the registration calendar will coincide with the dates of the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam.