The first phase of the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam took place this Sunday (7), without any complications. Abstention at this stage was 7,7%, the lowest in the last eight years. Of the 62.398 registered, 58.425 candidates appeared. The test was administered in 36 cities across the country and addressed current topics, prioritizing contextualization and reading. The official template will be made available by Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) on Wednesday, November 10th.
“Everything went very well. We can say that holding an entrance exam like this is a way of renewing hope in the university”, highlighted the coordinator of Comvest, professor José Alves de Freitas Neto.
Regarding the low level of abstention, the lowest since 2014, the professor points out that one of the reasons would be the students' confidence in taking the entrance exam, possibly related to adjustments to the test made by Comvest. Due to the pandemic context, since the last edition there was a reduction from 90 to 72 questions. The time for taking the exam was also increased by one hour this year.
Test valued contextualization and reading
The first phase test consisted of 72 multiple-choice questions, distributed among the areas of Portuguese Language and Portuguese Language Literatures, Mathematics, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. In the questions, contextualization and reading were valued. For the Comvest coordinator, this was a way to mitigate existing inequalities in education in Brazil.
The test maintained the tradition of promoting reflection on current topics and valuing science. “Our proof is the face of the university, a dynamic, contemporary, current university, which seeks to address the major issues of our country and help promote science, technology, education, culture, health and all the good principles that the university world can offer to Brazilian society”, says José Alves.
Comvest's academic coordinator, professor Márcia Rodrigues de Souza, explains that the questions addressed topics relevant to the social debate from the perspective of different disciplines. Indigenous memory, refuge, gasoline prices, vaccines, fake news and biomes were some of the themes. “These are themes that are covered at school, but we try to link these themes to concrete social demands”, she points out.
The test also sought to explore relationships between texts, challenging candidates to find relationships of intertextuality, comparison and contrast, and worked with the displacement of themes between disciplines. “Themes that would classically be covered in one discipline were covered in others”, says the academic coordinator at Comvest. In one question on the English test, for example, the Israel-Palestine conflict was discussed through a poem by Palestinian poet and activist Rafeef Ziadah.
Second stage
The second phase of the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam will be held on January 9th and 10th, 2022. The Specific Skills Tests for the Architecture and Urban Planning, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance courses will be held from January 13th to 15th, 2022 , in Campinas.
Check out the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam calendar:
More information and full calendar at Comvest website.
Check out the first phase test here.
Read more:
Comvest publishes test answer sheet for the first phase of the 2022 Entrance Exam