The rector of Unicamp, Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, accompanied by the general coordinator, Maria Luiza Moretti, received the rector of the Zumbi dos Palmares University, José Vicente, for the signing of an addendum to the agreement between the two institutions. Maintaining the agreement between the universities provides for the development of actions with Unicamp's Public Policy Studies Center, which will provide facilities, studies and skills. The agreement signing ceremony was held at the Computing Institute (IC), on Wednesday afternoon (10/11).
For the rector of Unicamp, the continuity of this agreement is important for the training of the university's students and, also, for the formulation of public policies that promote changes in society. “Unicamp was the first university to implement the quota system. The results are excellent. Currently, 50% of our students come from public schools and 30% of students benefit from ethnic-racial quotas. In the midst of the crisis that the country is experiencing, our fight is to guarantee permanence, offering all the necessary support”, he pointed out.
José Vicente said that having Unicamp as a partner is an important reference. In addition to signing the agreement, the rector asked for support for the “Cota Sim” Movement. A Law 12.711 of 2012, call Law by Cotas, defines that Higher Education Institutions linked to the Ministry of Education, in addition to federal institutions of secondary technical education, must reserve 50% of their places for heights. But it will come to an end on August 22, 2022. “We are fighting, together with the National Congress, for the Quota Law to be extended for another 10 years. That's why the Cota Sim Movement. We are seeking support from civil society to reach one million signatures”, explained Vicente.
On behalf of Unicamp, Antonio Meirelles and Maria Luiza declared support for the movement and stated that the university is open to receiving the campaign and encouraging the collection of signatures. “The quota system came to change, in a positive way, the education scenario in Brazil. He has our support to advance the equality process”, declared the dean of Unicamp.
Fighting racism
Before participating in the opening ceremony of the Unicamp Afro 2021 event, which took place in the IC auditorium, the rectors exchanged information about achievements in the fight against racism. José Vicente spoke about the implementation, on November 9, of the specific channel for reporting racism in commercial relationships. The so-called Procon-Racial will be a work by Universidade Zumbi dos Palmares, together with Procon São Paulo, to offer information about racism, as well as legal and psychological support to consumers who are victims of discrimination.
According to Vicente, in 2019, a survey of 1,6 consumers showed that 65% of black people said they had suffered discrimination in their consumption relationships. "The creation of Procon-racial is a victory in this daily struggle”, explained the dean.
Antonio Meirelles said that “problems must be taken from under the table and become topics of debate, to find solutions for equality between people”. He reaffirmed Unicamp's support for the Cota Sim Movement. The Addendum will last for two years and may be extended.