Three Unicamp professors are among the finalists for the 63rd Jabuti Award: Renato Falcão Dantas, Matheus Gato and Trajano Vieira. The 2021 edition of the Jabuti Prize received 3.422 entries and indicated, this Tuesday (16), the five finalists for each of the 20 categories. The winners will be announced on November 25th.
Jabuti is the main literary award in Brazil. Established in 1959 by the Brazilian Book Chamber, the award highlights the main editorial releases of each year. The Unicamp academic community is usually represented among the finalists. In the first classification of the 63rd Jabuti, which included the ten finalists in each category, works by four professors, one employee and one doctoral student from Unicamp were included. In the second, three teachers remain in the dispute.

Find out more about the books:
Science Category
Work: Symmetry in science, nature and art
Authors: Petrônio Pulino and Sandra Menezes de Carvalho Abreu, professor and doctoral student at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC)
Publisher: Livraria da Physics
In a very didactic way, they elaborate with mathematical rigor the theme "the different types of symmetry", exemplifying them in geometric figures, in science, in nature and in art. They complete with activities and exercises using folding, graph paper and cutouts, looking for the axes and symmetries of the figures obtained. The use of the resource of GeoGebra software proposed in the activities challenges students in the construction of the mathematical concepts involved. The authors propose assemblies of flat mirrors to obtain a correspondence between the angle formed by them and the images obtained. The parallel flat mirrors with the formation of infinite images produce curiosity in young people, provoking questions.
The didactic experiments with mirrors brilliantly complete the work with different types of symmetries.
In the final pages of the book, Prof. Petronio, who is, in addition to being a mathematician, a violin student, could not fail to present a brief study on symmetry and asymmetry in the construction of string instruments, such as the classical guitar and the violin. This quick presentation serves as motivation for the same analysis of other acoustic string instruments.
The book Symmetry in Science, Nature and Art allows students to establish relationships between mathematics and the beauty found in nature and the arts, observing harmonious proportions in animals and plants, in architectural constructions and in music, which the authors point out so well (preface by Maria Zoraide Martins Costa Soares).
Science Category
Work: Beginner researcher's guide: prepare yourself to be a good researcher by knowing the scientific environment
Author: Renato Falcão Dantas, professor at the Faculty of Technology (FT)
Publisher: Obra Independente
Synopsis: The Beginner's Guide is a book with simple and concise writing, aimed at newcomers to the scientific world and prepared with the aim of clarifying doubts, in addition to providing beginners with useful knowledge for their development as a researcher. The main themes covered in this book are:
-Practical aspects related to the research career;
-How to be more productive in a research group;
-How the process of judging articles and projects works;
-How to write a scientific article, a master's thesis or a doctoral thesis;
-How to structure a research project;
-Ethical aspects when publishing your research;
-How and for what reasons to protect what is produced in research.
Category Human Sciences
Work: The short dream of the napë and the pandemic
Author: Rafael Afonso da Silva, employee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) Publisher: Obra Independente
Synopsis: At the same time as it enters the “interpretive chaos” instituted by the current “pandemic-pandemonium” (Krenak), going from the Kopenawana analysis of the xawara (epidemic) to the findings of several eco-epidemiological studies that confirm and complement it, going from biopolitics to microbiopolitics and from there to the relational geographies of the pandemic, the book is an invitation to make the image of other cosmopolitics dance against “cosmocapital”.
Category Social Sciences
Work: The massacre of the freedmen: about race and the republic in Brazil (1888-1889)
Author: Matheus Gato, professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH)
Perspective Publishing
Synopsis: History is always the result of a choice. Certain episodes are illuminated, others are clouded, there is always a present to support with the facts of the past. The future, however, is irremediably associated with the past, which needs to be reviewed and re-explored so that we can move forward. The Massacre of the Freedmen recovers for Brazilians the historical violence of racism and slavery in Brazil based on two seminal facts: the Abolition of Slavery and the Proclamation of the Republic. And it narrates the massacre of black people who protested in São Luiz do Maranhão, fearing that the newly constituted Republic would take away their recently won freedom. From this episode, the text provides an overview of the racist reactions that were formed and incorporated into the strategies of white masters to perpetuate prejudice and marginalization of the black population through the myth of “racial fraternity”.
A crowd of black people, around two to three thousand people, headed to the headquarters of the republican newspaper O Globo in São Luís do Maranhão to protest against the proclamation of the Republic which, rumor had it, would revoke Abolition. There, the troops posted to guarantee law and order open fire on the protesters, killing – official numbers – four people and injuring several.
The Massacre of November 17, 1889, articulated in a unique way the two great historical events of the period – the abolition of slavery and the proclamation of the Republic –, revealing how the racial issue permeated the disputes during the regime change. In this context, at the end of the seigneurial order, color classifications and other group categorizations, typical of slavery, were expanded to incorporate the new racial and racist ideas in force, redrawing the boundaries between social groups. Matheus Gato addresses how the event was silenced and counted over the years. O Massacre of the Freedmen it lays bare the narrative strategies and political actions that aimed to “erase” the marks of slavery from our history in the name of an ideology of “racial fraternity” that did not give up color-coded hierarchies. A document of the Republic's missteps, yesterday as today.
Translation Category
Work: The Iliad
Translation: Trajano Vieira, professor at the Institute of Language Studies (IEL)
Publisher: Editora 34
Synopsis: Composed in the 8th century BC, the Iliad It is considered the inaugural milestone of Western literature. Traditionally attributed to Homer - or, according to some, compiled from stories from oral tradition -, the work covers the period of a few weeks in the last year of the Trojan War (which would have occurred around the 12th century BC), during the siege final of the Greek contingents to King Priam's citadel, in Asia Minor.
The poem, made up of more than 15 thousand verses in dactylic hexameter, distributed in 24 corners, begins when the main Greek warrior, Achilles, leaves the battlefield after a fight with his commander, Agamemnon. The ten-year war was allegedly provoked by the kidnapping of Helen, wife of the king of Sparta, Menelaus, by the Trojan prince Paris. The impressive battle scenes between the Greek fighters and the Trojan warriors led by Hector, brother of Paris, and the imminent return of Achilles, which will make the Greeks regain the advantage in the conflict, constitute the heart of the narrative - always with the participation of the gods, divided in support of each faction.
A Iliad now receives a new translation - from the hands of Trajano Vieira, professor at Unicamp and award-winning translator of the Odyssey -, rigorously measured, which seeks to recreate in our language the excellence of the original, with its similes and vocabulary inventions, which permeate a narrative full of clashes between the divine and the human, between life and death.
This bilingual edition also features a series of features, such as a complete onomastic index, a translator's afterword, excerpts from the review, and the famous essay by Simone Weil, "The Iliad or the poem of strength".