Unicamp launches Whatsapp service channel

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audio description: poster advertising unicamp's WhatsApp number: 19 35212121

Whatsapp (19) 3521-2121 is the newest communication channel with Unicamp. The number was opened this Tuesday (16) and can be called by anyone who wants to obtain information, clarify doubts and receive guidance about Unicamp. The tool is administered by the University's Citizen Information Service (SIC) and operates every day of the week, 24 hours a day. 

The contact will allow remote assistance to informational demands by the SIC team, which also provides assistance via email, telephone, in person and online, via form filling. “Nowadays, Whatsapp is an application that is within people’s reach, regardless of education or social level. Practically every mute uses it. A university the size of Unicamp must strive to be ever closer to society”, says SIC coordinator, Fábio Rodrigo Pinheiro da Silva.

audio description: color photograph of the SIC team together with the unicamp general coordinator advisor
SIC team together with the advisor of the General Coordination of Unicamp, professor Plínio Trabasso

The platform has a tool like chatbot (robot) for automated service, which allows information to be obtained remotely, including on weekends and holidays. According to Fábio Pinheiro, the most recurring demands were mapped in order to address as many queries as possible with automated service. If it is not possible to resolve the query through automatic responses, the SIC team provides personalized assistance. “When we realize that the person is not interacting well with the robot, we intervene,” he explains.

Questions of any nature related to the University can be answered via Whatsapp. For the advisor to the General Coordination of the University, professor Plínio Trabasso, this tool creates another bridge between Unicamp and the population it serves. “This is another channel of communication with society, which further strengthens the relationship that citizens have with the University”, he assesses. 

audio description: color photograph of the SIC team
Service channel via Whatsapp expands Unicamp's ways of interacting with users of its services

Check out how the Citizen Information Service can support you:

In-person: Rua Roxo Moreira, 1402. Cidade Universitária “Zeferino Vaz“ – Barão Geraldo, Campinas – SP

Phone Number: (19) 3521-8060

Online form: SIC Data (click to access)

Whatsapp: (19) 3521-2121

cover image
audio description: color photograph of the SIC team


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