Resolution GR-074/2021, of 12/11/2021
Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Provides for the resumption of face-to-face activities for undergraduate, graduate, Extension and Technical College students on the campuses of the State University of Campinas in the 1st half of 2022 and for the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing transmission and spread of Covid-19.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas considering:
- the University's commitment to protecting the life and health of the entire community;
- the work of the Working Group established by the Ordinance GR-138/2021, responsible for planning the resumption of face-to-face classes for Unicamp students in the 1st semester of 2022;
- the current epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba and in the State of São Paulo, demonstrated through recent epidemiological bulletins from these municipalities (;; and the State (, accessed on 05/11/2021, which reveal the drop in the number of serious cases of Covid-19 and the increase in the scope of vaccination;
- CEE Deliberation No. 152/2017, of the State Education Council, which provides for the delegation of powers to universities and public university centers belonging to the State Education System;
- the need to maintain hygienic and sanitary measures in face-to-face activities;
- the diversity of activities carried out on university campuses, which require specific adaptations, according to local assessment;
- the precautionary decision issued by the Federal Supreme Court in ADI 6.625 according to which the measures provided for in Arts remain in force. 3°, 3°-A, 3°-B, 3°-C, 3°-D, 3°-E, 3°-F, 3°-G, 3°-H and 3°-J, inclusive of respective paragraphs, items and subparagraphs of Federal Law No. 13.979, of February 6, 2020, ⎼ measures aimed at combating the public health emergency resulting from the coronavirus, including compulsory vaccination;
Resolve that:
Art. 1º - Theoretical and practical classes for the 1st semester of 2022 will be in person, and theoretical classes must be held with up to 100% of the established classroom capacity, if there are no sanitary restrictions.
§ º 1 - Sanitary conditions will be guided by the Unicamp Coronavirus Contingency Scientific Committee prior to the beginning of the semester.
§ º 2 - Didactic conditions must be discussed in each Unit and Institute, and if it is not possible to carry out all classes in person, or remote offerings are necessary, the Undergraduate Coordination must submit an action plan with justifications to the CCG .
§ º 3 - Regardless of how classes are conducted, assessment activities must be the same for all students, in accordance with the assessment criteria contained in the Subject Development Plan.
§ º 4 - Special cases related to infrastructure issues in the academic environment must be handled by the local Crisis Committee and the director of the unit or body, with support from PRG/PRPG/DEEPU/Extecamp, if necessary.
Art. 2º - Due to changes in the dynamics of evolution in university courses, the Coordinators responsible for offering subjects may request the removal of prerequisites, if they consider it relevant, before the registration period.
Art. 3º - All undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and Technical College students who belong to the group eligible for immunization against Covid-19, according to the immunization program of the State of São Paulo, are required to prove complete vaccination status to the University . Students who do not do so will be prohibited from attending their campuses - restaurants, libraries, academic environments and other in-person activities.
§ º 1 – Undergraduate and postgraduate students must correctly and completely enter the data into the e-DAC application, in the vaccination area.
§ º 2 - Students at Technical and Extension Colleges must present their vaccination schedule against COVID-19 to the respective secretariats.
§ º 3 - Information regarding the student's vaccination status will be systematically provided by DAC to Course coordinators, Secretariats and teachers responsible for the subjects, through the Academic System.
Art. 4º - All students from technical, undergraduate, postgraduate and extension colleges of the University who are participating in face-to-face activities on the campuses must observe the health measures recommended by Unicamp's CoronaVirus Contingency Scientific Committee, available on the website
Sole Paragraph - It will be the responsibility of the Campus Experience Secretariat (SVC) and the Regional Administration Secretariat (SAR), on the Piracicaba and Limeira campuses, to monitor and guide compliance with the health measures mentioned in the caput of this article.
Art. 5º - Exceptional situations will be discussed and deliberated within the scope of PRG, PRPG, DEEPU and Extecamp.
Art. 6º - Course coordinators, teachers and PAEPE employees must propose welcoming actions and information on the adaptation of face-to-face activities (such as conversation circles, lectures, workshops) to the Local Crisis Committees, in order to publicize the importance of good practices -being, permanence and mental health programs, as well as the necessary referrals to the assistance network already existing at Unicamp, as described in institutional documents.
Art. 7º - The measures contained in this Resolution will be subject to reevaluation, at any time, as the pandemic situation evolves.
Art. 8º - This Resolution comes into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary.
Published in DOE on 13/11/2021. Page 143.