DELIBERATION CEPE-A-21/2021 of 07/12/2021
Provides that Unicamp students must present proof of vaccination against Covid-19 and provides other measures.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas, as President of the Teaching, Research and Extension Chamber of the University Council,
Considering the University's commitment to protecting the life and health of the entire community;
Considering the work of the Working Group established by Ordinance GR nº 63/2021, responsible for planning the resumption of face-to-face classes for Unicamp students;
Considering the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in the cities of Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba and in the State of São Paulo, demonstrated through recent epidemiological bulletins from these municipalities and the State;
Considering CEE Deliberation No. 152/2017, of the State Education Council, which provides for the delegation of powers to universities and public university centers belonging to the State Education System;
Considering the need to maintain hygienic and sanitary measures in face-to-face activities;
Considering the precautionary decision issued by the Federal Supreme Court in ADI 6.625, according to which the measures provided for in Arts. 3°, 3°-A, 3°-B, 3°-C, 3°-D, 3°-E, 3°-F, 3°-G, 3°-H and 3°-J, inclusive of respective paragraphs, items and subparagraphs of Federal Law No. 13.979, of February 6, 2020, ⎼ measures aimed at combating the public health emergency resulting from the coronavirus, including compulsory vaccination, aiming to maintain the collective safety of students , faculty and staff; and in view of what was decided at the 374th Ordinary Session of December 07, 2021, the following Resolution is issued:
Article 1 – All undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and Technical College students who belong to the group eligible for immunization against Covid-19, according to the immunization program of the State of São Paulo, are obliged to have the complete vaccination schedule and its due proof before the University to attend its fields, classrooms, laboratories, restaurants, libraries, cafeterias, sports courts, academic environments, student housing and other face-to-face activities.
Single paragraph. Presenting proof of vaccination directly to the teacher does not authorize the student to attend face-to-face classes or any other area of the fields.
Article 2 – All regular undergraduate, postgraduate, extension and Technical College students must, obligatorily, present proof of at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19, previously and as a condition for their enrollment.
§ º 1 – The proof provided for in caput of this article should be presented as follows:
I - Regular undergraduate and postgraduate students, together with the website e-DAC (Academic Board), in the field of vaccination;
II - Students of Extension courses, together with the respective extension departments of the units;
III - Students of Technical Colleges, together with their respective secretariats.
§ 2 º – The documentation presented by the student regarding the vaccination schedule against Covid-19 will be subject to evaluation by the University, which may occur at any time, being submitted for analysis by Cecom, if necessary.
§ 3 º - To monitor information on student vaccinations, course coordinators and subject teachers will have access to a specific report, available on the Siga System or at the respective secretariats.
§ º 4 - Until proof of the complete vaccination schedule (single dose or two doses) is presented, even if enrolled, the student will not be able to attend in person the fields in accordance with article 1.
Article 3 – Regular undergraduate and Technical College students must present proof of at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19 at the website e-DAC, in the field of vaccination, or as directed by the school secretariats, up to five days after the publication of your enrollment report in the website DAC or the respective secretariats.
§ 1 º – Failure to comply with the deadline set out in the caput of this article will result in the cancellation of your enrollment in the subjects in which you are enrolled and notification by DAC or the respective secretariats to present proof of vaccination against Covid-19.
§ 2 º – After notification, if the incoming student fails to present the required proof within the new deadline, their enrollment at the University or College will be cancelled, with consequent loss of their place.
§ 3 º - Until proof of the complete vaccination schedule (single dose or two doses) is presented, even if enrolled, the student will not be able to attend in person the fields in accordance with article 1.
Article 4 – Special and exchange students must present proof of at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19 at the e-DAC website, in the field of vaccination, up to five days after the DAC publishes its enrollment report.
Single paragraph. Failure to comply with the deadline set out in the caput of this article will result in the cancellation of your enrollment in the courses in which you are enrolled.
Article 5 – In cases where it is impossible to receive the vaccine for health reasons, the student will be responsible for presenting a medical certificate to be forwarded to Cecom, via email, in accordance with Annex I.
§ 1 º – The medical certificate to be presented must explain the formal reason for the medical contraindication to the vaccine, as well as its technical-scientific basis.
§ 2 º – Cecom will be responsible for analyzing the medical documentation presented, which may request the opinion of a team of medical specialists, with a view to approving or rejecting the justification.
§ 3 º – During the process of analyzing the reasons for medical contraindication, the student must not attend face-to-face activities at the University.
§ º 4 – If the medical justification presented is accepted, the student will be advised by Cecom on the health and safety conditions for carrying out their activities.
§ 5º – If the medical justification presented is not accepted, the student will be formally summoned by Cecom for science, and the DAC will be informed by this Body.
§ º 6 – Students who do not have an accepted medical justification must prove that they have scheduled their vaccination against Covid-19 within 5 days of becoming aware of the fact, and must subsequently prove their vaccination status by presenting their vaccination card, via the system at the e-DAC website or respective secretariat, as provided for in this Resolution.
Article 6 – All students must present proof of completion of the complete vaccination schedule by the date to be established by DAC and the secretariats, under penalty of cancellation of their enrollment at the University.
§ º 1 – For postgraduate students stricto sensu, registered as provided in art. 19 of Del. Consu-A-10/2015, proof of the complete vaccination schedule must be carried out by the deadline for changing enrollment according to the DAC calendar, under penalty of dismissal of the student due to abandonment.
§ º 2 – For postgraduate students Postgraduate Course proof of the complete vaccination schedule must be carried out with the e-DAC website, in the field of vaccination.
Article 7 – If necessary, the Academic Board may issue a Normative Instruction to execute this Resolution.
Article 8 – Omitted cases will be decided by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies – PRG, Dean of Postgraduate Studies – PRPG, Dean of Extension and Culture – Proec and Executive Board of Pre-University Education – Deepu, as applicable.
Article 9 – This Resolution comes into force on the date of its publication, and any provisions to the contrary are revoked. (Proc. nº 01-P-33136/2021).
Model of medical certificate to justify the contraindication to the vaccine
I certify for the purposes of formal contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19, that Mr. _________________________________, carrier do document_____________, has a clinical condition that contraindicates vaccination against COVID-19 contamination.
The medical contraindication is due to:
History of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) component:
Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after receiving the following vaccine:
___________________ at data in _____ _______.
Other reason:
Technical-scientific basis:
I declare that all data included in this certificate is true, being subject to the legal penalties provided for in the Law and ethical penalties provided for by the CFM.
Place and date
I authorize the provision of the medical information certified in this document.
Signature and stamp legible Patient signature