Normative Instruction DGRH 5/21 establishes guidelines and procedures regarding proof of vaccination against Covid-19 by the University's extra-staff staff


Establishes guidelines and procedures related to
mandatory proof of vaccination against covid-19
by the University's extra-staff staff

The Director General of Human Resources, in the exercise of her legal attributions, under the terms of the Resolution GR-060/2021, and subject to the provisions of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (Law No. 13.709 / 2018), establishes the following guidelines and procedures:

Article 1 - All interns, volunteers, patrollers, medical and multidisciplinary residents, members of post-doctoral programs, researchers or collaborating professors and invited visiting researchers, as well as participants in other University programs, must comply with the official vaccination schedule against covid-19 available for your specific group or age group, and, within 5 (five) days from the moment you receive each dose of the vaccine against covid-19, prove your vaccination status by presenting the card vaccination through the DGRH computerized system - Employee Portal (Forms menu - Covid-19 Vaccination option).

§ 1 - The Unit/Body to which the professional is linked must formally guide him/her about the mandatory vaccination for the in-person execution of his/her activities at the University, as well as about its importance for both individual protection and the safety of the work environment. work as a whole, based on the guidance booklets for returning to in-person work and the regulations in force at the University.

§ 2 - As long as the professional does not have their complete vaccination schedule against Covid-19, that is, 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the 2nd dose (or single dose, when provided), they will not be able to return to their in-person activities.

§ 3 - If the deadline set out in the caput is not met, the Unit/Body to which the professional is linked must notify him/her to present, within 5 (five) days, the vaccination card against Covid-19, or a medical justification (model contained in the Annex I) for the impossibility of receiving the immunizer.

Article 2 - In cases where it is impossible to receive the vaccine for health reasons, the professional will be responsible for presenting a medical certificate to be sent for evaluation.

§ 1 - The medical certificate to be presented must explain the formal reason for the medical contraindication to the vaccine, as well as its technical-scientific basis.

§ 2 - Medical residents must forward their medical justification to the Medical Residency Commission (COREME) via email and residents of the multiprofessional program must forward their medical justification to the Multiprofessional Residency Commission (COREMU) via email

§ 3 - Patrol officers and young apprentices, volunteer collaborating teachers and volunteer collaborating researchers, with a DGRH link, must forward their medical justification to CECOM, via email

§ 4 - Interns, visiting researchers and members of post-doctoral programs must forward their medical justification to DGRH/DSO, via email

§ 5 - The professional must not return to their in-person activities until the process of analyzing the reasons for medical contraindication to immunization against Covid-19 has been completed.

Article 3 - The professional who, compelled to prove vaccination for Covid-19, refuses to do so, will not be able to carry out their activities in person or visit closed areas of the University.

§ 1 - Each case of non-compliance with vaccination proof will be analyzed by the responsible bodies, based on the type of link with the University, regarding its possible consequences.

Article 4 - To monitor information on the vaccination of these professionals, those responsible for the HR of the Units/Bodies to which they are linked must access a specific report available in the People Management System (Vetorh) - Personnel Administration module (Employees / Registration Form / List / 131 - Covid-19 Vaccination - Extracadre).

Sole paragraph - The Units/Agencies must provide a support structure to assist professionals who have difficulty accessing the computerized system to send information about vaccination.

Article 5 - Situations not covered by this Normative Instruction must be forwarded to the General Directorate of DGRH, which will analyze the situation with the Unit/Body and, if necessary, submit it to higher authorities.

Article 6 - This Normative Instruction will come into force on the date of its publication.

University City "Zeferino Vaz"
In 16 / 12 / 2021

Maria Aparecida Quina de Souza
Director General of Human Resources

ANNEX I - Medical certificate model to justify contraindication to the vaccine


cover image
DGRH Normative Instruction 5/2021


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