Establishes guidelines and procedures related to
mandatory proof of vaccination against covid-19
by the University's extra-staff staff
The Director General of Human Resources, in the exercise of her legal attributions, under the terms of the Resolution GR-060/2021, and subject to the provisions of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (Law No. 13.709 / 2018), establishes the following guidelines and procedures:
Article 1 - All interns, volunteers, patrollers, medical and multidisciplinary residents, members of post-doctoral programs, researchers or collaborating professors and invited visiting researchers, as well as participants in other University programs, must comply with the official vaccination schedule against covid-19 available for your specific group or age group, and, within 5 (five) days from the moment you receive each dose of the vaccine against covid-19, prove your vaccination status by presenting the card vaccination through the DGRH computerized system - Employee Portal (Forms menu - Covid-19 Vaccination option).
§ 1 - The Unit/Body to which the professional is linked must formally guide him/her about the mandatory vaccination for the in-person execution of his/her activities at the University, as well as about its importance for both individual protection and the safety of the work environment. work as a whole, based on the guidance booklets for returning to in-person work and the regulations in force at the University.
§ 2 - As long as the professional does not have their complete vaccination schedule against Covid-19, that is, 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the 2nd dose (or single dose, when provided), they will not be able to return to their in-person activities.
§ 3 - If the deadline set out in the caput is not met, the Unit/Body to which the professional is linked must notify him/her to present, within 5 (five) days, the vaccination card against Covid-19, or a medical justification (model contained in the Annex I) for the impossibility of receiving the immunizer.
Article 2 - In cases where it is impossible to receive the vaccine for health reasons, the professional will be responsible for presenting a medical certificate to be sent for evaluation.
§ 1 - The medical certificate to be presented must explain the formal reason for the medical contraindication to the vaccine, as well as its technical-scientific basis.
§ 2 - Medical residents must forward their medical justification to the Medical Residency Commission (COREME) via email coreme@unicamp.br and residents of the multiprofessional program must forward their medical justification to the Multiprofessional Residency Commission (COREMU) via email coremu@unicamp.br.
§ 3 - Patrol officers and young apprentices, volunteer collaborating teachers and volunteer collaborating researchers, with a DGRH link, must forward their medical justification to CECOM, via email css@cecom.unicamp.br.
§ 4 - Interns, visiting researchers and members of post-doctoral programs must forward their medical justification to DGRH/DSO, via email poscovid@unicamp.br.
§ 5 - The professional must not return to their in-person activities until the process of analyzing the reasons for medical contraindication to immunization against Covid-19 has been completed.
Article 3 - The professional who, compelled to prove vaccination for Covid-19, refuses to do so, will not be able to carry out their activities in person or visit closed areas of the University.
§ 1 - Each case of non-compliance with vaccination proof will be analyzed by the responsible bodies, based on the type of link with the University, regarding its possible consequences.
Article 4 - To monitor information on the vaccination of these professionals, those responsible for the HR of the Units/Bodies to which they are linked must access a specific report available in the People Management System (Vetorh) - Personnel Administration module (Employees / Registration Form / List / 131 - Covid-19 Vaccination - Extracadre).
Sole paragraph - The Units/Agencies must provide a support structure to assist professionals who have difficulty accessing the computerized system to send information about vaccination.
Article 5 - Situations not covered by this Normative Instruction must be forwarded to the General Directorate of DGRH, which will analyze the situation with the Unit/Body and, if necessary, submit it to higher authorities.
Article 6 - This Normative Instruction will come into force on the date of its publication.
University City "Zeferino Vaz"
In 16 / 12 / 2021
Maria Aparecida Quina de Souza
Director General of Human Resources
ANNEX I - Medical certificate model to justify contraindication to the vaccine