Resolution GR-003/2022, of 21/01/2022
Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Change the Resolution GR-060/2021 which provides for the resumption of face-to-face activities by employees on the campuses of the State University of Campinas and the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas, in the use of his legal and statutory powers, RESOLVES:
Article 1 - Section II of Article 3 comes into force with the following wording:
“II - social distancing of at least 1 meter between people;”
Article 2 - Paragraph 2 of Article 3 comes into force with the following wording:
“§ 2 - The return of the employees referred to in the caput of this article will be preceded by a training action with EDUCORP.”
Article 3 - Letter a of § 3 of Article 3 comes into force with the following wording:
“a) When the work environment, even with possible adaptations, does not allow a distance of 1 meter between employees, as assessed by the respective local Crisis Committee;”
Article 4 - Section II of Article 8 comes into force with the following wording:
“II. Compliance with hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask, social distancing of at least 1 meter between people, hand hygiene), including for vaccinated people;”
Article 5 - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication.
Published in DOE on 22/01/2022. Pages. 62 and 63.
Access this and other resolutions published on the Attorney General's website.