Registration for the 2nd edition of the Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights has been extended

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Registration for the 2rd edition of Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights (PRADH) were extended to February 13The award, organized by the Vladimir Herzog Institute and Unicamp, through the Executive Directorate of Human Rights, was created in 2020 to reinforce the university's commitment to defending human rights in Brazil, encouraging the creation and dissemination of knowledge that contributes to the promotion of the dignity of life and all forms of existence.

The first edition of the award received applications from researchers from public universities in the State of São Paulo (Unicamp, USP and Unesp). This 2nd edition will welcome applications from all public teaching and research institutions based in the State of São Paulo (municipal, state and federal). Registration will be open until January 31, 2022.

Listen to an article produced by Rádio Unicamp with professor Josianne Cerasoli:

Undergraduate research (scientific initiation or course conclusion monograph), master's degree and doctorate can compete for the award. stricto sensu, closed and approved from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021. Research that helps promote:

  • respect for the dignity of life in all its manifestations, expanding the rights of the planet's community to be, exist and fulfill its role in the processes of constant renewal of life; 

  • the fight against inequality, poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, to guarantee all human beings the realization of their potential in dignity and equality, in a healthy environment; 

  • renewed means of technological, economic and productive development that eliminate human exploitation and prioritize the possibility of a life of full personal and collective fulfillment, with harmony between all living beings; 

  • protecting the planet from the risk of degradation, especially through the consumption and production of sustainable goods, the rational and shared use of natural resources and the commitment to a full life for present and future generations; 

  • the spirit and practices of local and global solidarity, focused on the needs of the most vulnerable and guided by shared responsibility; 

  • the culture of respect, dialogue and peace, encouraging fair and inclusive societies, free from intolerance and violence. 

Check out the categories for this edition of the Human Rights Academic Recognition Award (PRADH):

  • exact sciences, engineering and technology;

  • Biological and health sciences;

  • Human, social and economic sciences;

  • Arts, communication and language;

  • Education.

The award ceremony will take place on May 21, 2022, World Cultural Diversity Day for Dialogue and Development.

More information about the notice on the website of the Executive Directorate of Human Rights

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Notice has been expanded and interested parties from all public teaching and research institutions based in the State of São Paulo can register


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