Resolution GR 14/22 provides for the use of masks and work activities of pregnant employees

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GR Resolution no. 14/2022, from 22/03/2022

Rector: Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles

Amends Resolution GR-060/2021, which provides for the resumption of in-person activities by employees on the campuses of the State University of Campinas and the adoption of emergency and temporary measures, with the aim of minimizing the transmission and spread of Covid-19.

The Rector of the State University of Campinas, in the use of his legal and statutory powers, RESOLVES:

Art. 1º - Item I and § 1 of art are changed. 3 and items II, V, X and XI of art. 8th of Resolution GR No. 60/2021, which come into force with the following wording:

“Art. 3th - (...)

I - Mandatory use of a mask in closed environments, including public transport, during the period of stay on the institution's premises;

§ 1 - Pregnant employees must carry out work activities in person, in accordance with Law No. 14.151/2021, observing the specific rules regarding pregnant employees who carry out unhealthy activities.”

“Art. 8th - (...)

II – compliance with hygienic and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19 (wearing a mask in closed environments, including public transport and hand hygiene), including for vaccinated people;

V - Operation of the University Restaurant according to the service and schedules published by the Campus City Hall;

  1. – mandatory presentation of an updated Covid-19 vaccination card by Visiting Professors and Researchers, coming from national or international territory;

  2. - Possibility of holding in-person Congresses, scientific events, workshops, graduation ceremonies, defense panels, competitions and joint work activities such as meetings, as long as the health measures mentioned in the

Article 3 and with the consent of the local Crisis Committees;”

Art. 2º - Item II, §§ 3, 6 and 7, all of art, are revoked. 3rd of Resolution GR No. 60/2021.

Art. 3º - The General Directorate of Human Resources will issue a Normative Instruction regarding compliance with § 1 of art. 3rd of Resolution GR No. 60/2021, amended by this Resolution.

Art. 4º - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication.

Prof. doctor Antonio Jose de Almeida Meirelles



Published in DOE on 23/03/2022. Page 63.

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Resolution GR 14/22 provides for the use of masks and work activities for pregnant employees


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium