Innovation Agency and INPI sign cooperation agreement

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The State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) signed a technical cooperation agreement. The objective is to promote joint activities, creating a support network between the two institutions to disseminate the qualified use of the industrial property system.

The agreement lasts 5 years and involves no costs. There will be several actions to boost innovation and continuous scientific, technological and cultural development through specialized training. The idea is to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and the local economy by increasing the use of industrial property, mainly the registration of patents and the offering of these assets on platforms and programs offered by INPI in international business rounds.

“We have a well-assembled and bold ecosystem, but which can, from this partnership, gain an even greater dimension, involving the business world and generating an economy based on knowledge, capable of solving society's problems. We are betting on a better future”, highlighted the dean of Unicamp, professor Antonio Meirelles.

INPI is the official government body responsible for industrial property rights in Brazil. The partnership with Unicamp is the 50th made by the federal agency of the Ministry of Economy. It was seen as a quality leap in the institute's portfolio and allows the organization to be closer to the scientific and technological sector in one of the three best advanced-stage innovation ecosystems in the country.

“It's as if we were operating in the Brazilian Silicon Valley, considering the impact that Unicamp has, with 1019 affiliated companies, leadership in technology transfer contracts and more than a thousand active patents. By joining the INPI showcase, Unicamp will practically dominate this show room, for what it has already built and for the example it sets for the country”, said Cláudio Furtado, president of INPI.

The signing event took place in the auditorium of the Unicamp Computing Institute, last Tuesday (22), with live transmission on YouTube Inova Unicamp. In addition to the rector of Unicamp and the president of INPI, the executive director of Inova Unicamp, Ana Frattini, and the deputy secretary of the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development in Campinas, Newton Frateschi, were present. The representative of the Special Secretariat for Productivity and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Portela, who participated remotely.

During the event, new data was also released Inova Unicamp’s 2021 Annual Activity Report. There it is possible to check the number of patents filed and granted with the INPI in the last year, in addition to other indicators and summaries of technology transfers from Unicamp to the business sector and other institutions.

Original article published on the Inova Unicamp Innovation Agency website.

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The objective is to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and the local economy by promoting training and the creation of new businesses


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