CIS-Guanabara and Fundação Educar offer workshops for public school students

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Little by little, the new normal is being installed in Unicamp's teaching, research and extension spaces. At CIS-Guanabara, the routine of face-to-face activities gains a major initiative with the start, on the 13th, of the Academia Educar 2022 activities. From that day on, 60 young people aged 15 to 18 will participate in a series of workshops protagonism, socio-emotional skills and audiovisual production. They will take place until the first week of November, always on Wednesdays, from 8:30 am to 16:30 pm.

The workshops and challenge projects aim to train young people capable of transforming the reality of their schools and communities. Among the proposals are the development of skills for the future, self-knowledge, communication, critical thinking, creativity and active citizenship. Academia Educar's methodology is based on the four pillars of education defined by UNESCO: Learning to Be, Learning to Live Together, Learning to Learn and Learning to Do. Another highlight of this edition will be the audiovisual segment. The idea is that young people receive initial training and learn how to use content production tools in this field.

According to the dean of Extension and Culture at Unicamp, Fernando Coelho, the partnership with Fundação Educar will allow long-term educational agreements and actions to take place in the CIS-Guanabara space. “This initiative allows the University to act more closely with the community, in accordance with its vocation of contributing to the human development of the city and its metropolitan region”.

For sociologist and director of CIS-Guanabara, Marcelo Rocco, what led to the formation of the partnership was the nature of the proposal. “This is an education project for citizenship that converges with the mission of CIS-Guanabara, which is to promote socio-educational actions for the emancipation of the human cause. The Cultural Center has a favorable environment for these young people, as it provides opportunities for coexistence with other audiences and languages, promoting a solid experience, with meanings that go beyond the symbolic."

According to Fundação Educar's project coordinator, Cristiane Stefanelli, the partnership with Unicamp tends to enhance work that began in 1989. “Developing the project with CIS-Guanabara will add value to the proposal, as it is a space that can expand the vision of young person's world. Interaction with other spaces allows him to leave his territory, often vulnerable, to have another type of experience. He starts to occupy another important space when he leaves his neighborhood school and carries out activities at the cultural center of a large university”.

Cristiane believes that the richness of the project lies in its updated, horizontal and meaningful look, a construction by young people for young people. “Our workshops promote open dialogue and interaction between young people on a wide range of topics.” And he adds: “the essence of what we believe is the perception of how much education can transform. In addition to training each individual, education helps us live together, exercise citizenship, and make us capable of transforming our lives, our community, our country.”

The young members of Academia Educar 2022 went through three stages: registration, writing an essay and carrying out dynamics. In partnership with the Education Directorates and the Municipal Department of Education of Campinas, the Academy will operate throughout the school year, during school hours, offering transportation vouchers, food on site, t-shirts and certificates.

About the Educar Foundation

Fundação Educar is DPaschoal's social investment and works with education for citizenship as a strategy for social transformation. Its projects – divided into the axes “Educate for Protagonism”, “Educate for Reading”, “Educate for Entrepreneurship”, “Cooperate with the Social” and “SER Educar” – aim to ensure that people recognize themselves as protagonists of their lives and of their communities. They also seek to promote skills so that young people can be agents of change for a better future.

At CIS-Guanabara, the project is coordinated by cultural agent Maria Cristina de Barros. The initiative has the support of Dean of Extension and Culture (Proec), from Unicamp.

The CIS is located at Rua Mário Siqueira, 829, Botafogo, Campinas. There is free parking on site.

Further information.

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CIS Guanabara and Fundação Educar begin a partnership that will last until November (Credit: Produtora SocialDocs)


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