A Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) opens registrations for the workshop “Writing in the Unicamp Entrance Exam”. It is intended for professors of Portuguese, Literature and Writing for Elementary II, High School and prep courses, final year undergraduate students (Languages, Linguistics and Literary Studies) and graduate (Languages and Linguistics). Interested parties must register at www.comvest.unicamp.br, from 9 am April 25 until 17 am on April 29th. 900 places will be offered in two options: 500 in the face-to-face modality, to be held at Unicamp (campinas campus), on May 21st, and 400 in the online, to be held on May 28th. In both modalities, the hours will be from 9 am to 17 pm. The vacancies will be completed in order of registration.
Teachers from private, public and prep courses, as well as postgraduate and final-year undergraduate students in the areas mentioned above, can register. At the time of registration you will be It is necessary to attach a supporting document. Registration will only be validated after document verification.
In the face-to-face modality, the registration fee is R$120,00 for private school teachers and R$60,00 for other categories. Five fee exemptions will be offered to teachers of popular and community courses. For the modality online, the registration fee is R$30,00 for private school teachers and R$15,00 for other categories, with 20 fee exemptions for teachers at popular and community courses.
The proposal reflects Comvest's concern in publicizing the characteristics of its Writing test, given its importance in the exam. The test applied in the Unicamp Entrance Exam will be presented to participants, as well as the correction criteria and procedures.
More information can be obtained by email: Oficina@comvest.unicamp.br.