The Vladimir Herzog Institute and the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) released last Wednesday (27/4) the results of the 2nd Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights (PRADH). In total, 13 undergraduate, master's and stricto sensu doctorate works were chosen, 7 of which were winners from Unicamp's research team. The categories are following:
- exact sciences, engineering and technology;
- Biological and health sciences;
- Human, social and economic sciences;
- Arts, communication and language;
- Education
3 honorary awards will also be given to researchers and academics who stood out for their contribution to Human Rights. The recipients of this edition are:
- Ailton Krenak – for representing the struggle of indigenous populations, the target of so many attacks, and for his work as a politician and intellectual;
- Kabengele Munanga – for his contribution to the development of affirmative policies and for his fight for the introduction of the racial issue in Brazilian education;
- Lisete Arelaro – in posthumous tribute, for her fight in defense of education, especially for her dedication to guaranteeing this right for all children.
Created in 2020 to reinforce the university's commitment to defending Human Rights, PRADH encourages the creation and dissemination of knowledge that contributes to the protection and promotion of the dignity of life and all forms of existence.
In its 2nd edition, the award accepted applications for completed and approved works throughout 2021 in public teaching and research institutions in the State of São Paulo. The awards ceremony will be broadcast on May 26.
Check the list of winners:
I. Exact sciences, engineering and technology
Undergraduate Research: there were no registrations
Master's Research: there were no registrations
Doctoral Research: “BRS Violeta wines (BRS Rúbea x IAC 1398-21): effects of adding oak and fermentation on phenolic composition and color parameters in sustainable production” - Tuany Yuri Kuboyama Nogueira - Instituto de Biociências Letras e Ciências Exact data from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (registration 60)
II. Biological and health sciences
Undergraduate Research: “Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice Among People In Prison Situations In Brazil: Literature Scope Review” - Beatriz Oliveira Santos - Faculty of Public Health of the University of São Paulo (enrollment 21)
Master's Research: “Lethal Police Violence in the Municipality of São Paulo (2014-2015): Data Quality, Estimation of the Number of Deaths, Victim Profile and Spatial Distribution” - Marcelo Ryngelblum - Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (registration 65)
Doctoral Research: “The Mouth Locked in Racism: Racial Inequalities in Oral Health Conditions” - Livia Helena Terra e Souza - Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Campinas (enrollment 12)
III. Human, social and economic sciences
Undergraduate Research: “Confronting aporophobia by the Brazilian National Congress” - Douglas Henrique Santos da Silva - School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (enrollment 72)
Master's Research: “Is there a 'university' in pajubá?: Transitions and intersectionalities in the access and permanence of trans* people” - Brume December Iazzetti - Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the State University of Campinas (enrollment 29)
Doctoral Research: “Serring the Social Fabric: resignifications of arpillera embroidery and the lives of those affected by Belo Monstro” - Ralyanara Moreira Freire - Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the State University of Campinas (enrollment 101)
IV. Arts, communication and language
Undergraduate Research: “The staging of Ponto de Partida in 1976: a study of Brechtian epic elements” - Marco Antonio Pedra Silva - Institute of Arts at the State University of Campinas (enrollment 86)
Master's Research: “WHILE NOBODY SEES: Facing gender violence through the eyes of four playwrights.” - Sofia Fransolin Pires de Almeida - Institute of Arts at the State University of Campinas (registration 100)
Doctoral Research: “The Discursive Functioning of the Promise of Pacification” - Liliane Souza dos Anjos - Institute of Language Studies at the State University of Campinas (enrollment 61)
V. Education
Undergraduate Research: “Child sexual abuse: conceptions of preschool teachers” - Nathaly Martinez Alves - Institute of Biosciences, Letters and Exact Sciences at the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (enrollment 11)
Master's Research: “IT IS NECESSARY TO CHANGE THE PLACES AT THE TABLE: a study of the militant careers of black academics at the State University of Campinas” - Tayná Victoria de Lima Mesquita - Faculty of Education at the State University of Campinas (enrollment 99)
Doctoral Research: “Cartography of (re)territorializations in the deaf social movement in current Brazil: (dis)paths for deaf pedagogies as becoming” - Janaina Cabello - Faculty of Education at the State University of Campinas (enrollment 6)
Original article published on the website of the Executive Directorate of Human Rights (DeDH).
Read more:
Watch the article produced by TV Unicamp about one of the award-winning works: "Is there a 'university' in pajubá?: Transitions and intersectionalities in the access and permanence of trans* people” - Brume December Iazzetti