Rádio e TV Unicamp launches a new communication product with the aim of opening up space for the debate of ideas on major topics and bringing to the public reflections made by professors and researchers at the University. With a hybrid format, in audio and video, Podcast Analisa addresses topics related to politics, society, culture, science and technology. It can be accessed through the main audio aggregators and on the Unicamp Executive Secretariat for Communication website (sec.unicamp.br). On the TV Unicamp channel, it is possible to check the recording of the program and additional information on video.
Alcir Pécora, professor of Literary Theory at the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) at Unicamp, is Analisa's first guest. He comments on the literary works nominated for the 2024, 2025 and 2026 Unicamp Entrance Exam. Among the selected authors are names such as Conceição Evaristo, Ailton Krenak, Caio Fernando Abreu and Chimamanda Adichie. In the interview, Pécora reflects on the diversity of authors brought to the exam and what this represents for the teaching of Literature.
"We were very fixated on a somewhat encysted canon, which was not very useful from a representative or literary point of view. In general, the works considered canonical in Brazil, especially in São Paulo, do not represent the best of the literature produced here, even in erudite terms. It is a literature very much formed around a group linked to modernism in São Paulo", comments Pécora.
He considers that high school and pre-university teachers are prepared to incorporate new forms of literature into their classes. However, he believes that the difference lies in encouraging reading. "Literature teaching is resolved through reading. It is essential to always be exposed to different books, acquire a taste for reading. This does not mean reading only books chosen for the entrance exam. The best way to prepare for the entrance exam is to read a lot of books in addition to those on the list. This list is a sample, it represents something important for opening up to new works, but what really counts is the exposure of intelligence in relation to books".
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