Cruesp releases note on the 'Scrap MP'

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The Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp-USP, Unesp and Unicamp) publicly demonstrates its concern with and takes a stand against the effects resulting from the approval of Provisional Measure No. 1.112, of 31/03/2022, which resulted in the Program to Increase the Productivity of the Road Fleet in the Country (Renovar) and which has, among its objectives, to remove obsolete buses and trucks from circulation.

If endorsed by presidential sanction, the MP will withdraw resources destined for science and technology provided for in the National Energy Policy Law (Law No. 9.478, of 6/08/1997), directing them to the treatment of scrap arising from the renewal of the fleet of buses and trucks throughout the national territory.

It is estimated that, within the scope of the deleterious effects of the so-called “Scrap MP”, the loss will be in the order of R$3 billion, an amount allocated, in 2021, by the National Petroleum Agency to institutes, universities and companies. The loss of revenue is expected to have a significant impact, preventing numerous basic and applied research activities from being carried out at national level.

In addition to the scrapping of research infrastructure, there is an imminent risk of a reduction in personnel training activities and a drop in commitment to scientific and technological development both in the energy area and in other equally relevant fields.

Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp)

Campinas, August 10, 2022

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Cruesp publishes a note on the effects resulting from the approval of Provisional Measure No. 1.112, of 31/03/2022


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