Event debates elections and democracy between August 22nd and 24th

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The third edition of the Brazilian Rights Symposium - Special Elections takes place at Unicamp between August 22nd and 24th. The event brings together researchers who will discuss, in round tables, the profile of the right-wing electorate, risks to democracy, social networks and elections, among other topics. The symposium will take place in person at the Convention Center and in the Auditorium of the Unicamp Faculty Association (Adunicamp) and will be transmitted by the channel from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at Unicamp (IFCH). 

“In this third edition, we decided to bring more consolidated research and studies on the right-wing electorate, on the social bases of Bolsonarism, the role of social networks, cultural disputes, groups and economic interests. The themes are very diverse and each one has a different approach to the subject, through different theories”, pointed out IFCH professor Sávio Cavalcante, one of the event organizers.

Sávio Cavalcante:
One of the organizers of the event, IFCH professor Sávio Cavalcante: "In this third edition, we decided to bring more consolidated research and studies on the right-wing electorate" 

The Brazilian Rights Symposium has been taking place since 2017, following the growth of studies on the new configurations of the right in the country. “Until 2014, the right-wing opposition to the PT [Workers' Party] governments took place under the hegemony of the PSDB [Brazilian Social Democracy Party]. From the moment the phenomenon of Bolsonarism emerged, some theories found themselves unable to deal with the phenomenon and began to have new approaches, such as a greater emphasis on how conflicts and contradictions in society produce effects on institutions”, he explained.

The event, which takes place in the period before the elections, also brings together tables on disputed ideologies and debates the risks to democracy. “Studies will be presented that are open, accessible, meet academic criteria and are concerned with what could happen to Brazil from now on. The researchers are committed to making their research serve as an instrument for people concerned about the topic”, noted Cavalcante.

André Kaysel (Unicamp) also organizes the event
Professor André Kaysel (IFCH) also participates in the organization of the event that has been taking place since 2017, following the growth of studies on the new configurations of the right in the country

The III Brazilian Rights Symposium - Special Elections is organized by André Kaysel (Unicamp), Camila Rocha (Cebrap), Jorge Chaloub (UFRJ) and Sávio Cavalcante (Unicamp) and has the support of the Postgraduate Programs in Political Science and Sociology at Unicamp, the IFCH Events Secretariat and Adunicamp.

The program is open to the public and free, however, the organization requests advance registration via form. Certificates will be made available upon registration and participation in at least 75% of the event.

Check the complete schedule:

22/8 Monday (Unicamp Convention Center)

10am: Situational analysis

Rachel Meneguello (Unicamp)

Esther Solano (Unifesp)

Marcos Nobre (Unicamp and Cebrap)

Mediation: Sávio Cavalcante (Unicamp)


14pm: The social bases of Bolsonarism

Marco Antonio Rocha (Unicamp)

Samira Bueno (Brazilian Public Security Forum)

Sávio Cavalcante (Unicamp)

Mediation: André Kaysel (Unicamp)


23/8 Tuesday (Adunicamp Auditorium)

10am – Elections and Social Media

João Brant (USP)

Francisco Brito Cruz (InternetLab)

Mediation: Camila Rocha (Cebrap)


14pm – The right-wing electorate

Carolina de Paula (IESP Date)

Camila Rocha (Cebrap)

Ricardo Borges Martins (Quid)

Mediation: Jorge Chaloub (UFRJ)


24/8 – Wednesday (Adunicamp Auditorium)

10am – Ideologies in dispute

Odilon Caldeira Neto (UFJF)

Daniela Mussi (UFRJ)

Jorge Chaloub (UFRJ)

Mediation: André Kaysel (Unicamp)


14pm – Democracy at risk

Claudio Couto (FGV)

José Szwako (IESP)

André Kaysel (Unicamp)

Mediation: Daniela Mussi (UFRJ)

cover image
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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium