Unicamp creates Multi-Year Investment Plan

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Conceived by the Budget and Heritage Commission (COP) and approved by the University Council (Consu), a Multi-Year Investment Plan (PPI) has just been created by Unicamp.

According to the Pro-Rector of University Development (PRDU), Fernando Sarti, the PPI will use part of the university's financial reserves to invest in financing new works or renovating existing structures.

According to Sarti, the PPI is a continuous instrument, in which projects – which can last from two to five years – can be incorporated into the Plan throughout the year. "The PPI is a project to consider medium and long-term investments and will allow the University to safely and permanently resume its investment policy", he added.

Pro-Rector Fernando Sarti: the PPI will use part of the university's financial reserves for investments
Pro-Rector Fernando Sarti: the PPI will use part of the university's financial reserves for investments

At this August meeting, Consu approved the first PPI package, which provides R$ 242 million to carry out works on the Unicamp campuses in Campinas, Limeira and Piracicaba. There will be works under the responsibility of the Executive Directorate of Integrated Planning (DEPI), the Limeira and Piracicaba Regional Administration Secretariat (SAR) and the Campus City Hall.

According to Depi's forecast, the first works should be tendered by October this year. This list includes projects with an already advanced level of detail. Many of them, according to Depi, have already completed their executive project and, precisely for this reason, can be put out to bid immediately.

According to a survey by Depi, in 2017, Unicamp had 25 works considered unfinished. In June this year, 13 of these works were completed and four were underway. There are also eight others in the planning phase.

Initial projects

Among the initial projects, Unicamp foresees the construction of the Cotuca annex building, to be installed in an area of ​​2,5 m², with four floors and an investment of R$9,6 million. There is also the Clinical Center of the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP), which will occupy an area of ​​2,3 m² and will require an investment of R$12 million. It is also planned to complete the works on the three buildings of the Integrated Research Laboratories (LIP), so that they can be occupied. The LIPs cover an area of ​​3 thousand m², and the total cost is R$15 million.

FOP facade, in Piracicaba: Clinical Center will occupy an area of ​​2,3 m² and will require an investment of R$ 12 million
FOP facade, in Piracicaba: Clinical Center will occupy an area of ​​2,3 m² and will require an investment of R$ 12 million

The biggest project is on the Limeira campus. Multipurpose buildings should be built on campus II, to be used by the Faculty of Technology (FT) and the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA). One of them will be installed in an area of ​​21 thousand m², and the other in a space of 18,5 thousand m². The total value of the work is R$85 million. The expected completion time is 36 months.

University City Hall

Part of the works foreseen in the PPI will be carried out by the University City Hall. They concern maintenance in essential sectors, such as water supply, sanitation and energy supply. "All of our interventions will take into account sustainability guidelines, aligned with the objectives of the Sustainable Campus program", said the campus mayor, Juliano Finelli.

According to him, an energy efficiency and loss-fighting program will be implemented. To this end, the City Hall intends to promote improvements in distribution networks and substations and the replacement of transformers and cables. These procedures will require investments of around R$8,9 million.

The mayor of Unicamp, Juliano Finelli:
The mayor of Unicamp, Juliano Finelli: part of the works foreseen in the PPI will be carried out by the City Hall

In the sanitation area, investments of around R$11,9 million are expected. The program envisages the retrofitting of the Arena Theater reservoir pump house and the expansion of the capacity of the Caism reservoir, which, in turn, should have an impact on the service provided to the Hospital das Clínicas. It also envisages the recovery of a sub-duct and the distribution networks of the Basic Cycle ring, in addition to the installation of volume meters for surface water collections.

The City Hall calculates the recovery of the paving, the replacement of horizontal traffic signs and the replacement of bus stops. The Administration identified 29 bus stops considered priority. The equipment will also be standardized. The cost of these projects reaches R$14,1 million.


The PPI foresees a series of interventions in modular buildings – the so-called Pinotinhos – on the Barão Geraldo campus. The idea is to paint and waterproof roofs. In this phase, 42 of these buildings will be included. According to City Hall, the buildings will also be prepared to receive photovoltaic panels, which capture sunlight and transform it into electrical energy.

The program foresees the retrofit of the Arena Theater reservoir pump house
The program foresees the retrofit of the Arena Theater reservoir pump house

Investments in HC

The Hospital de Clínicas (HC) expects investments of approximately R$ 18,3 million in infrastructure works. There will be 10 items, including the replacement of the HC water and gas main piping. There will also be changes to the furniture and recovery of sectors of the hospital.

For Fernando Sarti, the institution of the PPI will be of great importance for the University. "The PPI is a new mechanism – extremely important for the university – to think about more substantive investments, with the guarantee that, from a financial point of view, these investments have a beginning, middle and end", concluded the Vice-Rector of Development University.

cover image
Audio description: aerial image, probably from satellite, that covers the entire Unicamp area and surrounding areas, with the streets highlighted with gray and yellow lines. Some streets even have their names written down, as on a map, including the streets Josué de Castro, Oswaldo Cruz, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, etc. On the right, a large area with vegetation. Image 1 of 1.


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium