Young people from Fundação Casa study at a Unicamp course to enter university

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The preparation of 39 teenagers who are undergoing a socio-educational internment measure in nine Fundação Casa centers to realize their dream of entering Higher Education received yet another reinforcement: access to online classes of the Colmeia Program of pre-university courses, carried out with support of the Dean of Extension at Unicamp. 

Since August, young people, hospitalized in the cities of Campinas, Limeira, Piracicaba, Mogi Mirim, Franco da Rocha and Cerqueira César, have been studying the content. The initiative is the result of a partnership between the two institutions, which contributes to complementing the studies of teenagers, who are either in the last year of high school or have already completed this stage.

According to professor Josely Rimoli, coordinator of the program at Unicamp, it was an achievement to include girls in the project, since initially only boys would participate. She also remembers that this virtual course is dedicated especially to young people at Fundação Casa. There are also other projects with virtual classes aimed at indigenous people and quilombolas.  

The Cooperation Agreement established between Fundação Casa and the University provides for both health care for adolescents in hospitalization and the extension of actions to other areas of socio-education, such as additional school education.

“It is an opportunity that increases these teenagers’ chances of entering Higher Education”, assesses the Secretary of Justice and Citizenship and president of Fundação Casa, Fernando José da Costa.

The course offers classes with basic content in Biology, Mathematics, Physics, History, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology, Writing, Grammar, Chemistry, Literature and English, in addition to providing interdisciplinary workshops. 

Participating teenagers complete socio-educational measures at Casas Maestro Carlos Gomes, in Campinas; Morro Azul, in Limeira; Mogi Mirim and Laranjeiras, in Mogi Mirim; Piracicaba River, in Piracicaba; Tapajós, Manacá da Serra and Novo Tempo, in Franco da Rocha; and Female Anita Garibaldi, in Cerqueira César.

Classes take place from Monday to Friday, from 19pm to 21pm, in the centers' computer rooms, which have internet access. The duration of the course is six months. 

Fundação Casa serves 4.789 teenagers, 2.060 of whom are attending high school, in all grades, and 63 have completed basic education. In accordance with the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), Fundação Casa can assist young people up to the age of 21 in hospitalization and semi-freedom.

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Hive program activity at FCA; In addition to classes for teenagers at Fundação Casa, there are also projects aimed at indigenous people and quilombolas


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium