Unicamp 2023 entrance exam records automatic adherence of 82% for the Enem-Unicamp modality

The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the total number of applicants for the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam and the candidate-vacancy ratio per course. 61.624 candidates are registered in the process, who will compete for 2.540 places in 69 undergraduate courses. Of this total, 12,6 thousand students chose to automatically register for the Enem-Unicamp modality, made available for the first time by Comvest in the Entrance Exam form. The number represents an acceptance of 82% of candidates who had the profile to make the choice. Thus, these students will not need to register again in November – when the Commission opens registrations for the Enem-Unicamp modality – and can increase their chances of joining Unicamp, competing in both modalities.

Comvest also recorded positive rates among social inclusion profiles, with an increase in the percentage of quota candidates and exempt candidates, in addition to maintaining the rate of around 30% of students from public schools (data in the table below). The test locations for the first phase, which will take place on November 6th, will be announced on October 25th, on the website www.comvest.unicamp.br.

Social inclusion - Subscribers








Public school







Black and brown







Ethnic-racial quotas







Exempt candidates







The percentage of public school students in registered secondary education was 30,2% (18.620). The number of candidates who opted for ethnic-racial quotas rose to 11,1% (6.837) and that of self-declared black and brown students in general to 19,6% (12.126) of the total number enrolled in the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam. The percentage of registered students who benefited from the registration fee exemption is among the highest in recent years, with 12,3% (7.598) of the total number of candidates.

For the director of Comvest, José Alves de Freitas Neto, the total number of registrants was within the historical level recorded by Comvest. He highlighted maintaining inclusion rates as an important aspect. “The percentage of public school students and self-declared black and brown students is a little lower than those recorded before the pandemic, so we have a huge effort to make in the coming years to restore the expectations of these young people so that they enroll in the entrance exam and in other forms of admission to Unicamp”, said José Alves.

The director of Comvest highlighted the high adherence, in the registration form, of those opting for ethnic-racial quotas to the use of photographs taken on the second phase exam days for use by the Investigating Committee in the process of validating the candidates' self-declarations. “We reached 99% adherence to the use of photographs, and this certainly gives greater security and greater agility to the work that is carried out by the members of the investigation committees when they personally analyze the photographs collected in the second phase”, explained José Alves .

Students who chose to automatically register for the Enem-Unicamp modality also increase their chances of joining Unicamp, competing in both modalities


Among the most sought-after careers in the Unicamp 2023 Vestibular, attention was drawn to the increase in demand for the evening Computer Science course, which went from 1.951 applicants to 3.034 candidates in this edition of the Vestibular, reaching 75,8 candidates per vacancy against 48,8. 24,9 in the previous year. In addition to this course, the following are among the ten most sought after: Medicine; Architecture and urbanism; Biological Sciences; Computer engineering; Social Communication-Medialogy; Pharmacy; Nursing; Economic Sciences (Full and Evening) and History. The candidate-to-general vacancy ratio increased from 24,3 to XNUMX% this year. The tables with the complete candidate-vacancy ratio and the total number of applicants per test city are available on the Comvest website.

For the director of the Commission, the increase in demand for the Computer Science course is related to expectations of work in this area. “We relate this increase of more than 50% of candidates in this course to the news regarding the great employability and the job market scenario that has boosted the areas of technology and information. The other courses maintained the demand parameters, which presents us with the challenge of holding an excellent entrance exam on November 6th,” he commented.


The first phase of the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam will be held on November 6, 2022, and the second phase will take place on December 11 and 12, 2022. Before the first phase, there will be Specific Skills tests for candidates for Music courses (with sending videos online, between September 19th and 30th). For other courses that require specific tests (Architecture and Urban Planning, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance), the Specific Skills tests will take place between January 4th and 6th, 2023.

The first phase will be applied, in the State of São Paulo, in 31 cities: Araçatuba, Barueri, Bauru, Botucatu, Bragança Paulista, Campinas, Franca, Guarulhos, Indaiatuba, Jundiaí, Limeira, Lorena, Marília, Mogi das Cruzes, Mogi Guaçu, Osasco, Piracicaba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, Santo André, Santos, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São João da Boa Vista, São José do Rio Preto, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Sorocaba, Sumaré and Valinhos. Outside the State of São Paulo, five capitals receive the Unicamp Entrance Exam tests: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Fortaleza and Salvador.

Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam Calendar

Specific Skills Tests - Music: 19/30/9/2022

1st phase: 6/11/2022

Announcement of those approved for the 2nd phase: 3/12/2022

2ª phase: 11 and 12 / 12 / 2022

Specific Skills Tests: 4/6/1/2023

First call disclosure: 6/2/2023

Registration online from the first call: 7, 8 and 9/2/2023

*The complete calendar is available on the Comvest page (www.comvest.unicamp.br).

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Among the most sought after careers in the Unicamp 2023 Entrance Exam, the increase in demand for the evening Computer Science course increased from 48,8 candidates per place in the previous year to 75,8


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